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Pure Evil Wiki

Lazarević: Are you a student of history Mr. Drake?
Nate: I've read a book or two.
Lazarević: Genghis Khan. Hitler. Stalin. Pol Pot. They were all great men. But do you know why they prevailed?
Nate: I'm sure you're gonna tell us.
Lazarević: Because they had the will to do what other men would not. (executes one of his own soldiers) Compassion is the enemy. Mercy defeats us. Now, unless you wish to test me still further, you will drop your weapons!
~ Lazarević demonstrating his ruthlessness to Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher.

Zoran Lazarević is the main antagonist of the 2009 video game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

He is a brutal and ruthless Serbian war criminal with an army of soldiers at his disposal and his only goal is to discover Shambhala to gain the power of the Tree of Life's resin and rule the world.

He was voiced by Graham McTavish in motion capture, who also played Loki in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Joseph Bertrand III in inFAMOUS 2 and Dromos in Lucifer.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • According to Elena Fisher, Lazarević is responsible for multiple war crimes that include torture, mutilations and mass executions prior to the events of the game.
  • Sending Flynn to work with Drake into stealing a Mongolian oil lamp and then betraying him so he would take the fall for the robbery.
  • Brutally murdering one of his own men for trying to steal artifacts from him.
  • Helped local guerrillas kill off the Resistance in a Nepalese city, which was already on the brink of a civil war for years, while searching for the temple housing the location of Shambhala and the Cintamani Stone.
  • Executing a wounded Jeff while meeting and interrogating Elena and Drake just to demonstrate his ruthlessness.
  • Ordering a raid and massacre on a Tibetan village just to find the city of Shambhala and get a hold of Karl Schäfer.
  • Forcing Schäfer to show him the entrance to Shambhala after presumably torturing him, and then leaving him to die after outliving his usefulness.
  • Calling Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot "great men", showing that he worships dictators out of sheer fanaticism.
    • In the German version, he adds Saddam to the dictators he worships.
  • Killing one of his own men who was taken hostage by Drake to demonstrate his ruthlessness and how both compassion and mercy are weaknesses.
  • Using Elena and Chloe Frazer as leverage to force Drake's cooperation.
  • After Drake opens the entrance to Shambala, he says that he wants Nate to see Shambala and die knowing that he took it all away from him.
  • Severely wounding Flynn and ordering him to use a grenade to kill himself and hopefully take Elena, Drake and Chloe with him.
    • This would result in Elena getting severely injured and nearly dying from the explosion, which gives her PTSD and makes her nowhere near as enthusiastic about adventuring after this.
  • It's implied that after he and his army became immortal, they would then go on to take over the world. And just judging from what they did in Nepal and Tibet, their conquest would not have been pretty.
  • When he becomes immortal, he tries to kill Nathan. During his last moments, he tries to convince Nate to kill him and when he refuses, he tells him that he is weak for not having the courage to kill him.
  • He is not a scapegoat despite his somewhat brutal death as he committed several heinous crimes just for his own benefit that outweigh any sympathy to be felt for him.
  • He easily sets the standard for the Uncharted series as he committed some of the most heinous crimes in the series with no excuse other then being a power hungry warlord, and he completely lacks any traces of having a moral conscience.


  • His status as a Pure Evil is acknowledged in universe by Elena calling him a monster and questioning how can Flynn even work for him.

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Crash Bandicoot
Dr. Nefarious Tropy (Female)

Jak and Daxter
Metal Kor | Baron Praxis | Count Veger

Zoran Lazarević | Asav

The Last of Us
David (HBO) | Large Rattler
