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Fontaine scary son of a bitch, but Ryan cheap son of a bitch. You can no re-use protector suit. Take a man, graft skin and organs straight into suit, otherwise suit not work. Ryan say Big Daddy too expensive. Ryan can go suck egg.
~ Suchong expressing his lack of respect for human life.

Dr. Yi Suchong is a major antagonist of the sci-fi video game series BioShock.

He serves as the posthumous secondary antagonist of the 2007 video game BioShock, a posthumous character in the 2010 sequel BioShock 2, a major antagonist in the prequel novel BioShock: Rapture, and the secondary antagonist of the 2013 DLC expansion BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea.

Self-absorbed to the point of usually referring to himself in the third person, Suchong was a cold, cruel and arrogant scientist who used every single tragic event around him for his own ends, most notably creating the Big Daddies and experimenting on the Little Sisters. He also played an integral part in manufacturing plasmids for Fontaine Futuristics and Ryan Industries, and helped Frank Fontaine in his plot to take over Rapture by mentally conditioning Jack, Fontaine's "Ace in the Hole" and Andrew Ryan's son.

He was voiced by James Yaegashi, who also played Leon Von Felden in Fallout.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • Although he witnessed all of the men in his village get killed and the women presumably taken as sex slaves in World War II, Suchong willingly betrayed his fellow Koreans by selling opium to the Japanese forces in exchange for profit and his life being spared.
  • While his childhood was spent as a lowly servant to Japanese nobles whose children bullied him and treated him like a dog during his whole youth, it doesn't make him sympathetic due to the abusive experiments he performs on children who had nothing to do with him being bullied. Furthermore, in spite of his hatred towards children, Suchong has no problem with experimenting on adults in the same way.
  • Suchong was one of the primary scientists responsible for manufacturing plasmids and gene tonics so that ADAM could be sold to Rapture's public en masse by Frank Fontaine and later Andrew Ryan. Much like Fontaine, he was coldly indifferent to the fatal and addictive side effects that came with excessive splicing, as he was more concerned with making scientific advancements and personal profit at the expense of the lives and sanity of Rapture's population. Because of this, many people turned into bloodthirsty Splicers, which was a major factor in Rapture's downfall.
  • He oversaw a variety of plasmid experiments that occasionally resulted in subjects suffering from injuries, insanity or death, all to test the potency of plasmid products. In BioShock: Rapture, during his early experiments with ADAM, he once turned a human and a number of animals into a hideously mutated creature, still alive and in pain by the time he presents it to Fontaine as an example of ADAM's deadly side effects.
  • He willingly experimented on and brainwashed several innocent men and young girls to turn them into Big Daddies and Little Sisters respectively, severely mutating the former's bodies while exploiting the latter to produce ADAM. It is heavily implied that Suchong's operating procedures for Little Sister conversion can be fatal for the girls.
    • In BioShock: Rapture, it's revealed that he and Dr. Tenenbaum were the ones who suggested using little girls as ADAM factories in the first place, thus making him indirectly responsible for Rapture's downfall to begin with. And unlike Tenenbaum, Suchong shows no remorse for his actions as his main reason for doing so was that he hated children for how they treated him when he was young.
  • He created the "Would You Kindly" method to brainwash Andrew Ryan's young kidnapped son Jack, thus making him responsible for everything Fontaine manipulates to do throughout the main events of the first game. He even hypnotized Jack into snapping his own puppy's neck while the child was still in captivity.
  • He welcomes the Rapture Civil War as an opportunity to recycle more ADAM from people killed in the war. Additionally, he contributes to the war's worsening conditions by concocting a plan to use Little Sisters and Big Daddies as ADAM gathering slaves to extract ADAM from more and more dead bodies created from the war, and by spiking plasmids with pheromones to brainwash Splicers into serving Andrew Ryan to tip the tide of the war against Atlas, destroying any semblance of free will in Rapture.
  • Suchong is noted to be physically and verbally abusive towards the Little Sisters. In his final moments, he foolishly hits a Little Sister just for getting on his nerves, calling her a "filthy little shit". Because of this, he gets karmically killed by a nearby Big Daddy.

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Video Games
Frank Fontaine | Yi Suchong | Stanley Poole | Zachary Hale Comstock

J.S. Steinman
