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Wilf is the main antagonist of the Inside No. 9 episode "Wise Owl". He is a former voice actor known for his role as "Wise Owl" in 1970s Public Information Films who is revealed to be a child abuser and paedophile.

He was played by Ron Cook.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • An abusive and neglectful father, he sexually abused his son Ronnie for years while using his Wise Owl persona to manipulate him into believing it was okay because "Wise Owl knows best".
  • On his daughter Joanne's birthday, he took Ronnie up to his room to rape him while leaving Joanne playing with matches downstairs. He ended up allowing Joanne to continue playing around with the matches until she set fire to the house, resulting in her death, because he was so preoccupied with raping his son that he couldn't be bothered to make sure she was okay.
  • He abandoned Ronnie to save his own skin when he realized the house was on fire, allowing him to be badly burned, before visiting him in the hospital to gaslight him into taking the blame for Joanne's death. The guilt of believing what happened was his fault did serious damage to Ronnie's mental state, so Wilf had him thrown into a mental institution and left him to rot.
  • He abandoned his remaining family while they were still grieving over Joanne's death to continue his alcohol abuse.
  • When Ronnie confronts him years later, he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and tries to assault him again.