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Huh! It's no surprise that my dimwitted brother was too weak to challenge the Rangers, but he was a convenient distraction. Now, I am finally prepared to execute my master plan. And it begins, the first drill that will allow me to tear this planet apart is in place. Now to capture my power source.
~ Vrak begins his master plan as he "laments" over his brother's death.

Vrak is the main antagonist of Power Rangers Megaforce and the overarching antagonist of Power Rangers Super Megaforce.

He is a high-ranked general and tactician of the Warstar, serving under Admiral Malkor, whom he plotted to usurp to prove himself worthy of leadership to his family.

He's been able to strategize and pull off various schemes to take over the Earth, even ridding of his own allies standing in his way. When he was on the verge of death, Vrak was modified into a cyborg thanks to Metal Alice and later went into hiding when the Armada arrived, managing to recover and fully develop into his true form.

Returning, he plans to destroy the Earth's core just to spite the Mega Rangers. He is the son of Emperor Mavro, the younger brother of Prince Vekar, and the arch-nemesis of the Mega Rangers and Robo Knight.

He was voiced by Jason Hood.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He is a manipulative sociopath who will use or eliminate his own allies, like Admiral Malkor and the Toxic Mutants, for the sake of taking the mantle of leading the Armada himself and one day ruling the universe to benefit his narcissism. Even his alliances with both of them are based on superficial mutualism or pragmatism at best.
  • He proved that despite wanting to prove his worth in the family, Vrak doesn't truly care about his brother or father.
    • Instead of mourning him, he mocked Vekar for his incompetence and dimwittedness, saying his death benefitted him as a "distraction" for the Mega Rangers despite wanting to succeed where he failed. While Mavro favored him over the former and wanted to avenge him, Vrak never mentioned him once and seemed more focus on following his ideals of the Armada rather than the person himself.
  • Though his Zombats acted as pets for him, he often treated them as a source to empower most of his minions to grow into giants and didn't seem much to care about them affectionately, only seeing them as tools for his own use.
  • While he seems to have at least cared for Metal Alice when he seemingly protected her from Robo Knight's blast and told her to stay put in the underwater base for her sake unless told so, by the time she sacrificed her life to protect Vrak, the latter's response was to discard her death as a "war casualty" and coldly dismissed her as a "failure" ungratefully. Therefore, he subverted his only possible redeeming quality.
  • He has no honor as most of the time he spared the Mega Rangers out of the enjoyment of prolonging their suffering, fighting them in a torturous and brutal fashion.
    • Even taking the Messenger's advice into hiding was out of self-preservation instead of taking it into heart, he didn't bother thanking the former after he shut down.
  • He still maintains Moral Agency even after he became a cyborg, his amnesia was only temporary before his memories were triggered thanks to Metal Alice, and even then he was still evil to begin with.
  • It is heavily implied that he took part in most of the Armada's conquests, which it's assumed he helped conquer several planets and likely got countless killed on the way.
  • In the past, he worked on a Powermid, which would've powered the user up and had him summon a meteor to crash into a planet.
    • While he couldn't finish it, Prince Vekar deployed Sirjinkor to complete it and the meteor nearly crashed into Earth even when Sirjinkor was killed.
  • While having several comedic liners, none of that detracts him from his heinousness, and is still treated as a threat in-universe.
  • While he's not exactly as heinous as his father and brother due to lacking a higher bodycount or not being a planet-destroyer like both of them, especially in the high heinous standards of Power Rangers. Vrak only has less access to the Armada's resources due to Vekar being first in line by birthright and has rather unique crimes, like his enslavement plot of turning all of humanity into Loogies and broadcasting horrible music to torture people, which all were carried out in a drastically global scale.
    • Even though he mentioned his people destroyed planets for power, other than his own brother and father, it's not fully elaborated on or shown onscreen if this is mostly true since most of the Armada consists of X-Borgs. Not even it would mean any effect on the already high standards of Power Rangers.


  • He orchestrated several attacks against Harwood County in order to proceed with invading the Earth, whether through himself or together with his fellow Warstar allies. These attacks involved:
    • Suggesting Admiral Malkor the idea of studying humans and learning about their weaknesses. This resulted in sending Yuffo to capture dozens of humans to perform a rather twisted form of experimentation by using lethal measures.
    • Sending Virox to infect dozens to hundreds of civilians, transforming them into Loogies under excruciating circumstances, to globally enslave the Earth within days. Once destroyed, he brought back Virox as a giant to globally infect the Earth, intending to have all of humanity turned into Loogies at once.
    • Having Dizchord's horrible music broadcast all over the globe, torturously ear-raping billions instantly. It even had dire effects as Troy and Emma gained hearing problems and the torturous music could've prolonged many lethal measures to that extent.
    • Used the Wild Sword to destroy parts of Harwood County by blasting down buildings, endangering dozens of lives and likely causing casualties along the way. He even electrocutes the Wild Sword into fully obeying him.
  • Manipulated Creepox into fighting Troy, the Megaforce Red Ranger, and indirectly caused his death.
  • He formed an alliance with the Toxic Mutants to have them serve under him and endorsed their plans to pollute the Earth into a toxic wasteland. Afterward, he gave them the Aurora Box (which can emanate a being's potential) to fully achieve their intentions, this would make Vrak indirectly responsible for their actions if it wasn't for him. The Toxic Mutants' actions consist of:
    • Emanating Dream Snatcher into snatching people's dreams even when they're awake, trapping their consciousness in the dream world (which is likely a fate worse than death), and having their bodies grow roots of despair that would rot the Earth within.
    • Using the Aurora Box to spread poisonous slime across the globe and when Bigs grew gigantic thanks to the box's emanation, he intends to overflow the Earth into more than just a toxic wasteland but an endless pool of slime, which would likely drown billions.
  • He has Metal Alice and her robots attack the Mega Rangers and endanger civilians as a means to enslave humanity. One time, he had her placed a bomb under a bridge to cause a monorail train to crash down, which would've killed dozens of passengers onboard.
  • He tries to crash land the Warstar ship into Harwood County, which would not only get thousands to millions killed but also intended to have both Malkor and the Mega Rangers killed in the process.
  • After becoming a cyborg, he went out to attack the Mega Rangers and later he and Metal Alice tried to have a missile launched at a skyscraper, which would've killed thousands inside.
  • He launched an onslaught against the Mega Rangers with an army of Rotox and Loogies, which he managed to turn their Morphers into dust and tried to have the Messenger beat them to death.
  • Coldly dismissed Metal Alice despite her loyalty, leaving her to die in disbelief before he went into hiding.
  • Kidnapped Robo Knight after the battle and has him imprisoned in his base for months.

Super Megaforce[]

  • He commenced his plan to destroy the Earth's core by using three giant drills, all just to spite the Mega Rangers and prolong their suffering.
    • He had the first drill installed within Harwood County and later has his two minions, Tresnag and Drill Horn, become the second and third drills installed in the land and sea, sacrificing their lives after being defeated by the Mega Rangers.
  • Kidnapped Orion, the Super Megaforce Silver Ranger, to use him as a power source and drain him of his life force, intending to reduce him for dead. This resulted in turning the Legendary Ranger Keys into stone and rendering the Mega Rangers in a weaker state without them nor their Super Mega Mode.
  • Brainwashed Robo Knight into becoming his pawn through Orion's power source, having him unwillingly fight the Mega Rangers just to spite the latter.
  • He had Drill Horn attack the city by having him turned into a giant, causing mass destruction and possibly having numerous casualties caused by the attack, all in order to install the final drill.
  • Tries to kill the Mega Rangers one final time in a destructive fashion during battle and while the drills were close to the Earth's core.


  • He is the second Pure Evil in the Neo Saban Era of the Power Rangers franchise. First being Serrator and Lord Arcanon being the third.

External Links[]


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TV Series
Darkonda | Queen Bansheera | Viktor Adler | Emperor Gruumm | Octomus the Master | Venjix Computer Virus | Serrator | Vrak | Lord Arcanon | Bajillia Naire

Ivan Ooze | Rita Repulsa

Lord Drakkon | Psycho Green
Lord Zedd | Brainiac | Rita Repulsa | General Krang
