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NO! Because right now I require 2 things in this world. Your blood and my property, reclaimed ruthlessly by my father. So, I’ll just tear you to pieces and Raven, I’ll forcefully make you submit so you can agree to do what I wish. Men, women, children, it makes no difference to me. As I said, I have no good reason for this cr*p. And you can have the knowledge that every one of those deaths are lives you could’ve saved, beginning with Devoun!
~ Talk about a sadist

PE Proposal-Ollie Rat from "PIGGY:The Whole Bloody Deal"[]

}Back at it again. I remember making this series. It was Hell. I'm a cowardice extremist. Now go watch some Energon, better "I must Scream Fate" than reading this. Seriously, why'd ya reading this? Well, if you insist....but no trial will be commenced

What is the Work?[]

PIGGY:The Whole Bloody Deal is a 2024 fanfic made by PrincessLucy666 (Me) which mixes the popular Roblox game "PIGGY" and the YouTube series adaptation "Antflix" with some elements of the horror franchise "Evil Dead". A Darker (understatement) adaptation of the relatively lighthearted game, the series focuses on a criminal named Ben Stoker who must find a missing boy named Georgie Piggy, who alongside his friend Mateo are being stalked by a mysterious radio voice named X, while trying to uncover the mystery of their friend? Miltricia. Meanwhile,  MiniToon sets up a crew to find Ben, facing off against the evil scientist Reggie and the bounty hunter Mary Piggy/Distortion. Outside the conflict, Tigry is adopted by the escaped criminal Willow Wolf and joins a criminal group named The Silver Paw, and becomes stuck in the middle as the group slowly collapses from the inside

Who is the candidate?[]

Starscream, I mean-Ollie Rat is the central antagonist of the fanfic. He is the on and off Mayor of Lucella and the slimy treacherous son of Ruvius Rat who is behind him on the rat family hierarchy. He's also the sister to Raven Rat (aka Miltricia) and seeks to usurp Ruvius as Mayor of Lucella and use the infection to devastate Lucella for his own gain. He hates those who INTERRUPTED HIS SPEEEEECH!!!!! (Call him a Starscream expy all you want)

What has he done?[]

Dylan Gould, I mean-Ollie Rat debuts in the episode "Spreading like Wildfire" where he's trapped his father Ruvius Rat in stasis lock to become Mayor of Lucella. He starts his speech regarding the Substance-128 outbreak before Mary Piggy (aka the bounty hunter Distortion) and Peter Piggy enter. Ollie fights them to maintain his leadership, before Ruvius breaks out and brutally beat down Ollie for his treachery before leaving him unconscious pondering his existence in the sewers. The next episode "An Educational Rescue" has him appear in Lucella Shopping Centre sending the infected Mousy away through a window before introducing himself to Mateo and Georgie. After explaining his father's staff to his sister Raven, he creeps out and keeps up his façade as a humble businessman to lure Mateo and Georgie into Ruvius's trap.

In "Shattered", he sneaks into the sewers undetected and ditches his sister after X accuses her of murdering Maximus. He later taunts Mateo in "Monophobia". He also shows Mateo the footage showing Raven and Ruvius go on a rampage across Lucella School, and storms off when Mateo makes him livid. He later decides to start an arson rampage across Lucella with some infected and his vital role in the Battle of Lucella. In "Black Dawn", he helps the infected fight the military and later finds Raven when she escapes for the second time and taunts her on whether Mateo and Georgie will ever forgive her for the betrayal and his intentions to have the infected destroy Lucella and he'll take over using engineered heroics pretending to "save Lucella". He later tries to kill X alongside Ruvius when he intervenes.

He later cowers out the battle and ditches Mary to die and sends Reggie into the battle and then shoots at his dad when he tries to take him down. In the movie "PIGGY:Rise and Fall", he attacks and destroys an aerial squadron trying to help the military defeat the infected and starts to begin his next aerial assault, picking up a wounded Mary in the process. He later fights in Lucella Plant by fighting Mateo, foolishly maintaining his stance on who the winning side is. He then falls into the crater caused from the battle occurring in the North Tower of Lucella Plant and tries to help Reggie kill MiniToon and Devoun. He later pursues Devoun, orders military jets hijacked by the infected to fire on the survivors, and later goes on a raging profanity-filled freak-out when it fails, killing Devoun in his frenzy.

He later returns to the Plant to kill Raven for choosing to join Mateo and Georgie. He fights her, Mateo and MiniToon. He succeeds in mortally wounding his sister Raven and as he's shoved into the blood-filled bunker, he foolishly tries to plead for his life but spitefully changes his tune telling her that he'll see her in Hell. He supposedly drowns in the bunker and escapes offscreen, presumably the shadowy figure at the end escaping the Plant. In the Mid-Credits Scene, it's revealed sometime later he was discharged as Aerial Commander and captured by MiniToon, much to his anger.

Mitigating Factors:[]

Lol, no. Ollie is an extremely selfish coward who's more than willing to wipe out his entire city and family to ensure himself as top of the command chain after seeing his father Ruvius was losing his prime and decided to take command himself. He's just a sociopathic traitor who takes every opportunity sitting 1 centimetre in front of him to throw everyone under the bus to gain the power he's supposedly entitled to.

Even if he doesn't try to betray his father at first, he ends up trying to stop him from leaving Lucella because he happened to be there as depicted in "Black Dawn", which we can all agree is the most bullshit episode of the entire series (I give permission for anyone who votes to review what I wrote. I can take criticism Fandom). And for someone who's so desperate to win, he's more than willing to sacrifice his own allies for a claim of victory. He's ultimately a slimy, treacherous and ambitious coward who'll chicken out of anything to protect his own sadistic ego.

With Reggie, he only helps him so he can have a better chance of saving his own skin against MiniToon and Devoun and has zero qualms about leaving him to die in the explosion. Later on, he has a raging breakdown when he realises that he's losing the battle. It's a fairly comedic moment with his constant swearing (yeah, where have we heard that before?) only for him to return to be deathly serious as that's when he kills Devoun and goes into a raging breakdown that continues until the series ends. Moral Event Horizon wise, I'd say it's when he kills his own sister out of rage and then pathetically pleads for mercy when he realises he's about to drown in the bunker, only to reject it to spite her one last time.

Freudian Excuse:[]

Ollie's the older brother to Raven Rat. While Ruvius is proven to be an abusive father and a bad boss overall, nothing implies that this affected Ollie tragically. In fact, it seems to be more of a Sith "rule of two" relationship. Ollie never mentions anything bad, as any tragedy that could've occurred seems to be more targeted towards Raven than Ollie. Even IF he suffered a tragedy, chances are he's gone far past it since he never mentions any effect on him.

Heinous Standard:[]

1) Kills?

2) Motive?

3) Resources?

1) The standard in general is pretty high. When it comes to kills, he has a low score. However, Devoun's death was unique compared to the others, despite "Rise and Fall"'s high kill count. (I got inspired by Evil Dead and Justice League Dark:Apokolips War). However, he seems to be the secondary commander of the infected, which many being killed because of his negligence and cowardice during the battle. Even he intervenes in an attempt to make the military's trap futile with him going on a rampage against his own military comrades and a bunch of innocent civillians. He makes the most of his kills when he actually decides to do shit and grow fragments of a spine.

All this in a (presumbly) bigger screentime than Mary Piggy. That latter crime was his worst one. I think he manages to stand out by making the most of his low kill count, compared to Mary's massively indirect ones. Overall, quite unique for someone who has to go up against scum like Mary and Ruvius. Speaking of Ruvius, the worst Ruvius does is spray Mateo with insecticide and roast Giraffy over a campfire. Another 2 unique kills even if Mateo's one is a Disney Death. (Come on anyone who watches Antflix, really think I'll screw you over like that?)

2) Let's get this one quick and easy (Everyone here's is "go away"). He's more motivated by a lust for power. While not incompetent, he's just more of a "We have reserves" commander than anything else which comes back to maul alive his ass later on. Capable of coming up with devastating ideas on the regular, he grows into a pathetic frenzy near the end until he's left a "puny god" who's been bullied by some-

3) On resources, he seems to be the one in command of Sabrina Piggy/Blackout. He surpasses Sabrina and the infected easily there. Now with Reggie, he has a small army of scientists and Mr Stitchy's support, all of which he loses. Reggie barely only killed anyone nor did anything that bad, sounds bog standard to me. While Mary is entirely unaligned, Ollie switches loyalties around whenever it benefits him. He helps his father capture Mateo, only to then switch to being unaligned when The Battle of Lucella begins. Ollie had control of Lucella, a staff, but he still has himself and his weapons. Ruvius and Ollie's actions influenced Lucella hard but they had to rely on power to cause infamy, though Ollie later on commits terrorism without a cause, making him stand out (albeit barely) from Ruvius.


Vote: Barely scrapes a yes imo

Quote: "I am the Judge of this Proposal and IT. IS. GUILTY!"
