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Pure Evil Wiki

Urgot is a playable champion and a major Antagonist in League of Legends

Once an Executioner for Noxus he was betrayed by Jericho Swain and enslaved in Zaun's mines, coming to believe through his torture that pain makes one stronger Urgot escapes the prison and attempts to rally the downtrodden people of Zaun to destroy both cities and ultimately create an anarchistic world where only the strong survive.

His original voice actor is unknown, but is currently voiced by Paul M. Gayet.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • As headsman for Noxus, he was a bloodthirsty executioner who took delight in killing the weak and striking fear into warbands
  • While he was enslaved and suffered in the Dredge it is never presented sympathetically, and he was shown to be a bloodthirsty monster even before his torture.
  • He took over much of the Prison and started spreading his philosophy of strength through pain by torturing prisoners in deadly trials, that would either kill them or make them "worthy" in his eyes.
    • He also would kill anyone who refused to listen to his sermons on the nature of power.
  • When approached by a fellow Noxian prisoner who wanted his help, especially Urgot, he murdered him and denounced Noxus. He believed that the world should have no leaders and only chaos where the strong lived, striving to create this world.
  • He started a riot in the Dredge that triggered an explosion that killed most of the prisoners but released thousands into the city of Zaun, causing widespread chaos.
  • He started attempting to usurp the Chem barons, slaughtering them and their men
    • While this had the downtrodden of Zaun view him as a savior he has no interest in saving them but rather wants to ensure only those he deems strong live, meaning he has no good intentions beyond his social Darwinist view.
  • During an attack on Chem baron one of his own men attempts to make off with a piece of the Baron's wealth Urgot brutally murders him due to deeming him "unworthy"
  • When 3 young Zaunites discovered his murder of a chem baron he only let one go to be "his witness" and strangled the rest of his friends to death in a cruel display.
  • When his follower, the Voice, brought resources, instead of being thankful, he deemed him weak for relying on money and killed him on the spot while proclaiming himself to be an idea greater than that of a god.
  • As part of a test, he gases his loyal followers having half of them die excruciating deaths including Vi's Childhood friend Zoe.
  • He attempts to have his Followers attack the Merchant Clan Spire with gas to kill the clan leaders to trigger a war between Piltover and Zaun that would destroy both cities and create his ideal Social Darwinist Utopia that he intends to spread to the rest of the world.
  • While the heinous Standard for League of Legends is high the sheer brutality of Urgot's crimes along with the torture he makes even his followers endure has him stand out.

External Links[]


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Mordekaiser | Singed | Urgot | Jhin | Master Kusho | Thresh | Fiddlesticks | Evelynn | Tahm Kench
