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“ | See, MePhone didn't just make the show... he made you. | „ |
~ Steve revealing the true nature of Inanimate Insanity to Suitcase and Knife, that everyone in the show (except Bot and Toilet) was made by MePhone4. |
“ | After all your rebellion, your years of insolence, all you had to do was stay quiet and let it happen. Even after everything I'd have let you live, BUT NO! You just had to disobey me one last time, HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT! Because now, I'm going to kill you in the most painful way I can! And honestly, I've wanted to do this a long, long time. So thanks for letting me have no regrets! | „ |
~ Steve Cobs' villainous breakdown before attempting to kill MePhone4 for causing the Shimmers to escape. |
Steven "Steve" Cobs is the main antagonist of the animated web series Inanimate Insanity, serving as the overarching antagonist of both the original Inanimate Insanity and Inanimate Insanity Invitational, and the main antagonist of Inanimate Insanity II.
He is the founder and formal CEO of the Meeple Corporation as well as the creator and father figure of the MePhones, including MePhone4. Initially presented as just an arrogant businessman, Steve is revealed to be a power-hungry, sadistic, and cruel individual willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success, no matter the cost. He is also the arch-nemesis of MePhone4, MePad, Knife, Suitcase, and The Prime Shimmer.
In "Theft & Battery", he was voiced by AnimatedJames. In "Mine Your Own Business", he was voiced by Peter Mancuso. As of "Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie", he is voiced by Joshua Waters.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
In General[]
- He created Adam, his first creation and Adam hired MePhone4 and Toilet in the first place to host Inanimate Insanity, further emphasizing he’s the reason Inanimate Insanity even exists, he was also behind Adam in the first place, using that as a puppet to cover suspicions of him stalking MePhone4 and him watching the show in secret.
- He’s responsible for all the external conflict on Inanimate Insanity and even watches the show, being the true mastermind behind everything that happened, including MePhone4 abandoning him to make a reality show due to his abuse.
- He abuses his creations, the MePhones and expects nothing but the best of them, anything short of that will make him angry and will result in punishment, even resorting to killing them whenever they disobey him or he believes they are obselete models, and creates this technology to kill the last one, starting with Adam.
- MePhone4’s memories of Cobs traumatizes him to the point of wanting to delete the memories from his mind so he can forget Cobs ever existed, implying the abuse he faced was so bad to that extent.
- The reason Cobs wants to steal the eggs from the Shimmers is because they make his MePhones and other inventions more powerful, hence why MePhone4 is superior to the other MePhones, so he formed a relationship with the Shimmers and offered them technology for information on organic energy before he attacked them, wanting to also kill the Prime Shimmer for more of his eggs, knowing there’s babies inside of them.
- Unlike a lot of the characters in Inanimate Insanity like Trophy who blackmails Knife, Nickel who’s pessimistic and antagonizes Balloon, MePhone4 who created the contestants and put them through sick challenges that are lethal, and many other characters on Inanimate Insanity, all of this could be undone whenever MePhone4 has the MeLife app, but Steve Cobs can permanently erase objects from existence and have the possibility to be permanent, with the only way out being through a finish line.
- Cobs, unlike most of Inanimate Insanity’s villains, is taken completely seriously outside of “Theft and Battery” where he has some comedic moments, although they still don't detract from his heinousness. Outside of that, all of his crimes are taken very seriously.
- He stole his parents’ garage and put it inside the MeCloud, proving he doesn’t care about his parents and will steal even from them.
- He sent MePhone3GS and other MePhones on a suicide mission to steal the eggs from the Shimmers, when they retaliated against him, so he destroyed half of their planet and took their eggs, all but two were recovered, until Fan and Test Tube brought one of the missing eggs to the Prime Shimmer, the other egg was apart of MePhone4.
- This action also resulted in the deaths of at least two MePhones when the Shimmers fought back, he seemingly didn’t care about them.
- This action also caused the entire Shimmer race to evacuate the planet and are forced to live inside of a spaceship as a result of the attack.
- When MePhone3GS failed his mission to raid the Shimmers’ planet for eggs, he left him in a dark closet forever in isolation ever since the failed mission, which he later crashed.
- He created and abused MePhone4 when he was the latest technology and when he was born he hit him and denied him food because “he doesn’t need to eat”.
- When MePhone4 was watching a reality show, he dismissed him and asked if he finished his tasks and was awaiting new ones, neglecting him.
- He has MePhone4 create trees and puts expectations on him, expecting a spaceship by the end of the day.
- When MePhone4 comes to show him his sailboat he made for Cobs, he dismisses him and says he’s “improving” and to keep it that way, clearly saddening MePhone4.
Inanimate Insanity[]
- He created MePhone4S to kill MePhone4 when he and MePad escaped from his abuse.
- He created MePhone5 to kill MePhone4 and MePhone4S, and may have possibly created him to also steal the million dollars, him doing this technically makes him responsible for Bow’s death because Marshmallow released her from the box to save MePhone4 from him, which resulted in the temporary death of MePhone4 and the permanent death of MePhone4S.
- MePhone4S even regretted everything he did, and self terminated, which makes Cobs indirectly responsible for his death even further, not to mention the reason he self terminated was to bring back MePhone4.
- He also created MePhone5S and MePhone5C to kill MePhone4.
- When Microphone brings up the fact that MePhone5S and MePhone5C tried to kill MePhone4, he lies to them and calls him his “business partner” and that they were “staged fights” to gain Meeple publicity.
- He kills Balloon when he calls the Meeple Watch dumb and tries putting the blame on Soap, even though Marshmallow and Fan were right in front of him when it happened, though during this time Balloon could be revived.
- He tries to convince Fan to give him the Shimmer egg, even when he refuses, he tries trading it off for a MePhone4 battery the contestants need to cure MePhone4, and when Test Tube and Paintbrush call him out, he tries stealing the egg forcefully.
- Even though Suitcase was clearly shown stealing the cure battery, he tries blaming Soap for it instead because he believes she’s “jealous of his knowledge”.
- He manipulates Toilet, using Adam, into taking control of MePhoneX and makes him believe he’d be a good assistant, not realizing he was draining the life out of contestants forever.
- He hired the Unvitational Committee to take out MePhone4 during the finale of the third season.
- He frequently calls MePhone4 and when he declines his calls, he kills Pickle to get his attention right in front of Taco and MePad.
- He kills OJ and Nickel later on after this moment.
- When Knife and Suitcase confront him, Cobs lies to them about the egg he successfully stole and put inside MePhone4, claiming he was “bored” with the egg.
- When Knife asks if he was the one who deleted the contestants, he justifies this action by saying he got invested in Inanimate Insanity, and that the eliminations on the show is what inspired him to start killing contestants with revival not being possible.
- He kills Test Tube inside of Purgatory Mansion, even though technically Toilet did all the kills he’s responsible for all of them.
- When Knife and Suitcase ask why MePhone4 made them the way they are, which is broken, he hangs up the call with MePhone4 and kills Tissues.
- He kills Yin Yang in front of all the contestants that are still alive.
- He imprisons Knife and Suitcase and forces them to fight to the death so he can create a finale for Inanimate Insanity in his own vision, with his ultimatum being that he’ll unplug everything ever created by the MeLife if they “phone in” the performances, using the ship MePhone4 and MePad first escaped in.
- When Fan reveals Cobs’ entire plan to Paintbrush, Cobs kills him because he knows too much, and also kills Lightbulb when she gets to Paintbrush.
- He fires Toilet from his position when he’s stalling on his progress and kills Starfruit, Goo, Trophy, Bomb, Candle, Cabby, Baseball, Salt, Pepper, Balloon, Silver Spoon, The Cherries, and Cheesy.
- He tries vaporizing the Prime Shimmer and all the other Shimmers on board the ship when they believe they have found the other stolen egg, using Bow as bait to lure them so he can get his hands on more eggs.
- When Toilet successfully unplugs MeLife hoping Knife or Suitcase would die to win Inanimate Insanity, he tries stopping him only so he can keep the show going, and when it’s all unplugged he takes back MePhone4 and coldly says “shows over”.
- He gaslights MePhone4 and forces him to go along with him trying to convince him to forget about Inanimate Insanity and just reboot it, and says he needs to be on board with the new plan.
- When the Shimmers arrive to find their last egg he tries to lure them to another area, but when MePhone4 tells the Prime Shimmer to run, he tries to kill him.
- He blows up on MePhone4 when he exposes his plan, telling him he would’ve let him live, but he disobeyed him again, he also says he’s wanted to do this for a while, and thanks him for having no regrets for wanting to kill him in the most painful way he can and starts punching him.
- He calls for backup to help him kill MePhone4 and gets frustrated when they don’t arrive.
- When he sees MePhone4’s hand is alive he twists it.
- When MePad, Bow, and Dough appear on the battlefield he charges at MePad with his knife and tries to kill him.
- He tries to kill Dough by stomping on him when he tried possessing him.
- He mocks MePad for lecturing others on the show about how this “isn’t him” and tries stabbing him when MePad said that “this is him”.
- When Cobs finds out he didn’t actually kill any of the contestants, he gets upset, and then says he’ll kill all the contestants when they get recovered.
- He kills MePad when trying to kill MePhone4, since MePad sacrificed his life to save the other contestants.
- When the contestants get revived he starts searching for the other Shimmer egg, and when Balloon intervenes, immediately threatens him and reveals that MePhone4 is incapable of reviving him now, and believes he found it inside of Suitcase, which ends up being a bomb and he meets his end.
- While his death was somewhat horrific, as he gets blown up and turned into popcorn, it's not played for sympathy due to all his actions, thus his death is completely well-deserved.
- He is, currently, the only object show villain to be Pure Evil, which is ironic since MePad and Suitcase are the only object show heroes to be Pure Good.
External Links[]
- Steve Cobs on the Villains Wiki
- Steve Cobs on the Inanimate Insanity Wiki
- Steve Cobs on the Hate Sink Wiki
- Steve Cobs on the Ultimate Evil Wiki