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All these souls... these people you hold dear. I'd make my final peace with them. If I were you. I'm not the foolish villain I was. I think my actions... everything I've achieved this past month has proven that. I intend to go on proving that too. As you three will soon know.
~ Ragdoll's last words to the Flash, Green Lantern and Starman before dying.

Peter Merkel Sr., best known as the Ragdoll, is a supporting antagonist in The Flash and Starman series by DC Comics.

Originally a contortionist thief, he became a cult leader in his old age just to leave his mark as a supervillain, otherwise considering his life a failure. He is also the father of Junior.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He is an extremely abusive parent towards his son Peter Jr. and daughter Alex:
    • With Peter Jr., Ragdoll considered him a disappointment for not being born triple-jointed like his father and siblings were. So in the extremely vain hopes of finally gaining his father's approval, Peter Jr. spent 12+ years getting HUNDREDS of surgeries that scarred his flesh and otherwise should've killed him many times over, replacing his joints with fully rotating, self-lubricating implants and even castrating himself. Throughout that entire time, instead of being a good parent and talking his son out of maiming himself, Ragdoll just let Peter Jr. keep going with the procedures and still deemed him a failure once he was finally finished, even assaulting and trying to kill him when they meet again.
    • With Alex, it is heavily implied that Ragdoll molested her as a child, thus driving her to become the serial killing/raping crime lord known as Junior. She self-mutilated after the fact to reflect the ugliness inside of her while wishing others to feel her pain, and she hates when people look at her without her clothes and mask on, calling them perverts undressing her with their eyes (despite having "forced relations" with men and women). And after killing a young boy's father, she snarls "you're welcome" as if all fathers are bad (which is also why she leaves tapes of her victims saying they'd rather their families die than themselves). Furthermore, she notes that while her father wished for another son, what he most desired was a little girl for sexual purposes, hence why she was her father's "favorite".
  • In his ripe old age, Ragdoll used his oration skills to gather the more downtrodden citizens of Opal City into a cult, spending a whole August committing robberies and assaults, kidnapping children for ransom, burning down churches, shooting up parks, and overall killing enough people (including an actor and his family) to make the town run red with their blood while stretching the police thin. He's even compared to Charles Manson in-universe because of this.
  • Before being killed by the JSA, Ragdoll threatened to use his prison connections to hunt and kill their loved ones like Jay Garrick's wife, Alan Scott's broadcasting company full of employees, and Ted Knight's two sons.
  • Overall, he's so disgusting and vile that even other supervillains can't stand him, even being set up to die by Gentleman Ghost.

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           FlashLogo Pure Evils

Barbatos | Doctor Light | Gorilla Grodd | Professor Zoom (Dark Multiverse) | Ragdoll | Vandal Savage

TV Shows
1990 TV series: Nicholas Pike | Dr. Carl Tanner | Beaugarde Lesko | The Trickster
2014 TV series: Eobard Thawne | The Trickster | Zoom | Anti-Monitor | Negative Speed Force

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Deathstroke | Black Manta
