Pure Evil Wiki

Disclaimer: Ban of all proposals on fanon characters from this point forward.

To vote for the Pure Evil Proposals of the day, see:

None at the moment.

To vote for the Pure Evil Removals of the day, see:

None at the moment.


Pure Evil Wiki

As a community we at Pure Evil Wiki value our contributors and have managed to build a sizable following, however as with all communities there are a small minority of contributors who either do not wish to play nice or are having difficulty understanding what this Wiki is all about.

These rules will serve to try and help contributors who are confused or needing a little help while also discouraging contributions that are not in the spirit of this Wiki:

General Rules

  1. Chain Of Command: Although we are a friendly community we have a "chain of command" with the admins making rules, enforcing rules and keeping order: users contribute and have fun but need to remember admins are not democratic, neither are they tyrants - Admins should be approachable and not completely insane with power but at the same time users must treat admins with the respect you give any authority or expect punishment. It's much like the real world, you can not walk up to an authority figure and force them to do as you say, empty threats and outright stupidity will only serve to alienate you from the community as a whole - This system may not suit everyone but much like any community we need to acknowledge the fact that contributing is a privilege, not a right and like all privileges, it can (and should) be removed if abused. As a note to any admin, should the troll use your own IP against you in an attempt to frame you and you accidentally ban your account with the ip address associated with that troll, by all means, it's not your fault. You must not ever use global blocking unless you are sure that troll does not have the ip address. The same goes for Admins to accidentally banning their friends and other admins. Please avoid clicking on automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent IP address they try to edit from, when you can. The automatic system on the wiki will temporarily ban your account with the IP address the user managed to DDOS from the connected server on your computer in order to change with matching your IP address to get you incriminated with a ban from the wiki admin staff.
  2. Plagiarism: Whenever possible only post original content-copying directly from other wikis without permission of the Admin from that Wiki is plagiarism and is frowned upon by the community as it gives a bad name not only to yourself but to us and can cause copyright dilemmas. Just because something is on the Internet doesn't mean its right (or even legal; plagiarism is a type of theft and stealing is not alright anywhere) to claim it as your own - Articles that are obviously taken from other wikis will be deleted as a matter of principle. HOWEVER, you can put the information here IF the Admin from that Wikia approve your edit. Remember to add the Link of the Admin that approved your edit on the page you created, so we can confirm.
  3. The "What Makes This Villain Pure Evil" Section : Creating a section for a villain on "What Makes Them Pure Evil" is necessary for this wiki, while other sections such as a "Biography", "History", "Personality" and "Gallery" are not allowed-considering this wiki is centered on what makes a villain Pure Evil. So if a user doesn't include that section, or puts it in under TBA, they might as well not be making a page at all. There's also a good amount of pages that don't go into full detail on the actions that make the villain Pure Evil and why they stand out. This is especially important considering for a PE villain, it takes more than just "they killed their parents" or "they're insane" for the section of What Makes Them Pure Evil. Any such page that lacks little to no detail on this section will be Marked for Deletion, with only a week to add more to said section before it's deleted.
  4. Language & Offensive Content: It is never acceptable to use extremely offensive language in fights however and users who do so will face punishment. As a general rule the same applies to articles, do not litter articles with offensive language - even articles listed as mature or +18. This may be hard when dealing with extremely controversial media (such as exploitation films or some of the Japan-exclusive manga/anime) but with such things common-sense needs to come into play: Do not go into detail about the gruesome aspects of the character and don't quote their most offensive lines. Try to make the article as "clean" as possible - that way it doesn't come across as being what is known as a "shocker". You can still speak your own language in your own chat and in your own storyline episodes but never bring this type of language to articles.
  5. Grammar: In the same way, remember that articles are meant to be read by people so try making them clear, concise and readable. Few people will frown upon one typing error or two but having hardly readable messes instead of articles is not very enjoyable for anyone. The same thing goes for non-English edits; if possible these types of edits will be translated, but viewers should be aware this is an English-speaking Wikia
  6. Malicious Weblinks: In the same way of Offensive Content, do NOT add mallicious links to this Wiki. For example: Gore websites, virus websites, phishing websites, porn websites and sites with inappropriate content. The same rule applies to shock photos.


  1. Trolls: We have a zero-tolerance when it comes to trolls, whether it be for humor or for harassment - there are plenty of troll sites for that sort of behaviour - this is a wiki about crossover, not a chan site. If the users intention is to troll as such when they do it at the first rule break with an early account age on this wiki then it's a ban. If it appears to be a decent person, we'll give them a warning for breaking the rules then the next rule break results in a ban. The other option will have us look at the previous wikis where you have visited and will have you banned immediately if you read as a troll.
  2. Vandalism: Vandals will be banned on sight - much like trolls, we don't really need to explain why. Vandalism is just that. It also goes to trolls who erase other users wiki page created information and replaces it with their own fanon to subtle troll others.
  3. Don't feed the Trolls: If you see a troll/vandal, just report him to an admin and leave him be; don't engage in flamewars with him, you'll be only fueling his desire to cause problems and make it harder for the admins to undo the damage.
  4. Harassment/Cyberbullying: Any user who harasses or bullies another will be liable to punishment by admins as they see fit - If you are foolish enough to pick a fight with an admin you'll likely be banned. We are a good-natured wiki but nobody likes a bully, and we are no exception.
  5. Edit-war: Any users who engage in edit-wars will receive a warning and a possible ban, and the article will be locked. Any user can call an admin if another user is undoing his edits for no reason.
  6. If you want something done, do it yourself: It is both annoying and insulting when a user shows up only to say things like "Why nobody made 'X' page yet?" or "Please make a page for 'X'" or "Please finish this page for me", so please do not go harassing other users asking them to do things for you. If you think there should be a page for a particular character, by all means, go ahead and make it.
  7. Discussion Posts: In the discussion posts, other than maintaining a civil attitude, refrain from any of these topics due to how controversial they would be: Real life people, TV Tropes, "Possible Preventions"/Debated Validations. This will also include any and all "Who is more evil?" polls or any other polls with similar topics which will be deleted on sight. First-time offenders will be warned and any subsequent breaches of this rule would result in bans.


  1. When to add a page: Only add characters that are Approved Pure Evil on the Villains Wiki if a page is added that isn't Approved Pure Evil on the Villains Wiki it will be deleted on sight, and if a user does it more than once they will be blocked. If you want to add a character from a story not allowed on the Villains Wiki refer to the rules in the next section.
  2. Only add official information: Any media have more than enough information that you may need for creating an article. Do not make stuff up and especially do not add things that have nothing to do with the character in question. That said we allow taking things at face value, fan-theories and mass guessing can go into a separate trivia section.
  3. Stub articles: In order to prevent really bad stub pages, a page needs to have at least 2 sentences and the what makes them pure evil heading needs to have at least 3 things describing their heinous actions unless if the character is under very special circumstances in having less than 3, and an infobox that has none of the no information written on there. If one of these criteria is not met the pages will be marked for deletion.
  4. No Real-Life People: Our wiki focuses exclusively on fictional villains. Calling a real-life person Pure Evil is extremely disrespectful and possible slander.
  5. Do Not Recreate Deleted Articles / Categories: As a general rule when an admin deletes an article or category it cannot be recreated without admin approval. However, if you can provide a valid reason to do so you may proceed - users who recreate deleted articles/categories without a valid reason however risk punishment.
  6. No Biographies/Histories/Personalities/Galleries: We have the Villains Wiki for such sections on a Pure Evil character. You are expected to only focus on "What Makes the Character Pure Evil". The Trivia section should also only cover info regarding the characters' PE status.
  7. Moral Event Horizon Section: When it comes to the Moral Event Horizon section of a page's infobox, there only needs to be specific actions to be listed as examples, and if a merely specific example can't be found, don't touch it and write vague answers such as "Various" or "nearly everything he does".
  8. Only add trivia that relates to PE status and isn't speculation: Stuff like "x is the only PE to be y" doesn't count and is either bound to age poorly or just points out obvious stuff like them being the only female PE which is both not trivia-worthy and isn't relevant to whether or not the villain qualifies or anything that could affect their status and speculation about how some other version could qualify in the future as that is just speculation and nothing objective
  9. No changing the notes at the top of pages to say NPE or IH etc.: being approved as NPE or IH has no bearing on the fact that they aren't approved as PE given that anyone can propose a villain for PE regardless of if they're NPE or IH so use common sense and leave the notes as saying "not voted PE".
  10. No adding characters as examples on categories just because they happen to fit what's being described: characters fitting does not mean they need to be added as examples and don't add any more than 10 examples to something like "don't add characters who fit x description" and for the overall category only 50 examples are allowed per category page.
  11. Gallery and Quotes Sections: Separate gallery and quotes sections are frowned upon here due to redundancy. These sections belong only on Villains Wiki.
  12. Antagonistic Scale: Abuse of the antagonistic scale, or as it is otherwise called "antagonist fussing" is frowned upon here. Conflicting over the scale (e.g. "main/secondary/tertiary antagonist, true main antagonist") falls under edit warring and will not be tolerated. To reduce such edit warring, labels such as "true/hidden main antagonist", "main later secondary antagonist" or "tertiary antagonist" and anything below that is strictly prohibited and will be reverted on sight. Adding analyses over antagonist labels such as "this villain is thought to be the main antagonist, but is actually the secondary antagonist" into trivia sections is also prohibited, as this does nothing but clog up pages with messy information that solely discusses something as minor as a villain's antagonist label. More information can be found on this page.

Links, Categories, Pictures & Misc. Items

  1. General rules: We allow users to post links, funny pictures and "fun" items but within reason - Do not provide links to pornographic sites (rule 34 counts, just so you know) and do not upload pictures that are overly offensive. "Fun" items should only be posted into userpages or talkpages - Do not add them to main articles unless you have a good reason to do so.
  2. NO EXTERNAL LINKS TO THE NEAR PURE EVIL WIKI: The purpose of External Links section is to allow the user acces to the same version of the character on different wikis. It's purpose is not to link to a wiki that solely regards a different version of the character altogether. A NPE version of a character is not the same as the one accepted on this wiki. They are different versions and should not be linked together.
  3. WATCH FOR THE FILE'S NAME: It is a big hassle when someone uploads a picture and overwrites a previous one which is being used in another article, so PLEASE rename your files before uploading them if a file with the same name already exists.
  4. NO NEW CATEGORIES: Users who make new categories without approval from an admin shall be warned and blocked if they persist - the ONLY exception is for a franchise we do not have yet.
  5. Do not put categories on userpages: Categories are meant to categorize REAL pages, as in pages on the "Main" namespace, they're not tags you put on social profiles. As such your userpage is just a special page to introduce yourself, not a social profile page. So do not put any category on your userpage, if an admin sees it he or she WILL remove them.
  6. 5 pages minimum for franchises: Only create a new category for a franchise if there are 5 pure evil villains in the franchise. New categories that don't fit these criteria will be marked for deletion.
  7. No categories on copyright holders: Characters are associated with the franchises they belong to, not to whoever holds the rights over them, especially since copyright holders tend to change when IP's are bought over or the holder goes bankrupt. DO NOT create categories for creators, writers, developers, publishers, designers, mangakas, studios, companies, etc. Categories like those will be deleted on sight and the user will get a ban, period. We only allow exceptions when all their creations exist within the same world or multiverse (such as Marvel or DC).
  8. Do not add personality-based categories just because the villain happens to have a trait like that: when adding a personality based category it must be a defining trait of the character, not simply a one-off moment or a minor trait.. for example a "sadist" must be a character constantly known to commit exceptional acts of cruelty for personal enjoyment, a "xenophobe" must show themselves continually expressing radical thoughts towards a minority group far exceeding the norms of their society/era, a one-off comment or act is not sufficient and can be considered category abuse if repeated after a warning from staff : as with all categories we ask you to be prepared to give a reason why you added them, if a staff suspects you of abusing categories you may be asked to give a reason, failure to give a reason is admission to abuse of category system and can warrant a block (the length of which is determined by history of such abuses or severity of the abuse).

Ocs, Unpublished and Fanon Characters

  1. Proposals: Every villain of your creation of fanon character must be proposed first (we're currently doing this on the discord server). Any page that hasn't had a proposal created and approved will be deleted.
  2. The Story: The villain you are proposing needs to have a story behind it not something that you came up with. If you try to propose a villain without a story the proposal will be auto-rejected.
  3. Exploitation Villains: Villains from exploitation that exist for the sole purpose of giving shock-value, torture porn and senseless gore elements will NOT be acceptable Pure Evils to Propose and will be rejected immediately for obvious reasons.
  4. Ron the Death Eater: Ron the Death Eater/demonization of canon characters for the sake of shock value will not be allowed-unless the character has a good reason for turning evil.
  5. Unpublished scripts for official media: When proposing villains from such scripts make sure to link it in the "what's the work" section to verify its existence.