Starscream is the secondary antagonist of the 2010 animated series, Transformers: Prime and the main antagonist of the second half of Season 2 of its 2015 sequel series, Transformers: Robots in Disguise. He is the treacherous and scheming second-in-command of the Decepticons, Starscream frequently plots to usurp Megatron's position as the supreme leader of the Decepticons to conquer the galaxy, frequently butting heads with the Autobots and becoming one of their most dangerous foes. Disillusioned by Megatron's decision to disband the Decepticons at the end of Prime, Starscream becomes an independent threat seeking to succeed where Megatron failed using the powers of the Minicons. He is voiced by Steve Blum, who has also voiced Vilgax and Zs'Skayr in the Ben 10 franchise, Jindiao in Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, Ares in God of War, the Green Goblin in The Spectacular Spider-Man, Red Skull in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Sauron in the Middle-earth: Shadow games and Darkseid in Justice League: War. |
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PE proposal: Howard Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) from David Hayter's Iron Man script
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