Pure Evil Wiki

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Pure Evil Wiki

Hail to you, great leader! You are the one our legends predicted would lead us to our destiny! You are the bringer of Anti-Life! The herald of the Age of Androids! Thanks to our alien technology, you are absorbing the life energies of both Mobius and its twin planet, Earth. Soon both worlds will be dead husks, ready for seeding with our android life-forms! We Plax will rule supreme!
~ The Plax to Robotnik.

The Plax are major antagonists in the Sonic the Comic comic book series. They are a hive-minded race of xenophobic alien androids who once allied with Dr. Robotnik to bring destruction upon other species.

What Makes Them Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Despite there being multiple Plax, there are no individuals among them, as all Plax are part of a single hive mind, which they themselves clarify at least twice, meaning they are considered a superorganism rather than a species.
  • Neither mundicide being a common crime in the series nor them working as Robotnik's minions makes them fail the in-universe standards, as destroying two planets instead of one isn't standard for Sonic the Comic series, adding to it how it's evident that the Plax had longed to wipe out organic life even before encountering Robotnik.


  • It's revealed in Sonic the Comic Online that they exiled Bob, the only individual Plax, for not being part of their hive mind.

Sonic the Comic[]

  • They drilled the ground for Magnaz on Shanazar, destroying several villages in the process. When Sonic called them out on the destruction they caused, they outright dismissed it, claiming that other life forms' lives didn't matter to them.
  • They swore revenge on Sonic after he stopped their drilling operations.
  • After encountering Robotnik, they joined efforts with him to drain the life force of both Mobius and Earth, leaving both planets as nothing but lifeless husks which the Plax would then seed with android life.
  • Their worship of Robotnik wasn't genuine, as they only cared about what he would provide them with.
  • While they eventually turned against Robotnik, it was only because they found out that he planned to backstab and destroy them.


  • The Plax and Black Doom are the only hive minds in Sonic the Hedgehog franchise to be Pure Evil.
    • They are also the only hive mind in Sonic the Comic continuity to be Pure Evil.

External links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Pure Evils

Black Doom | Mephiles the Dark | Erazor Djinn | Infinite | The End

TV Shows
Sonic SatAM: Dr. Robotnik
Sonic X: Pale Bayleaf

Comic Books
Archie Comics: Dr. Robotnik | Hunter | A.D.A.M. | Kage Von Stryker | Sigma
Sonic the Comic: Emperor Metallix | Dr. Zachary | Plax | Chaos

Web Comics
Sonic the Comic Online: Bleed | Dr. Zachary | Chaos | Vichama | Emperor Metallix

Sonic Fanworks
Super Mario Bros. Z: Turbo Mecha Sonic
Mashed: Baron Robotnik
Nazo Unleashed: Nazo the Hedgehog
Garrulous64: Zavok | Mephiles the Dark
Flashback: Black Doom
longestsoloever: The End

Sonic.exe and Related Works
Original: Sonic.exe
Blood Tears: Akrasiel
Sensation Studios: Furnace | Starved
Juno Songs: Starved
SayoSkyy: EXE
Miles.EPS: Edwin Fuarson
One More Time Trilogy: Sonic.OMT
Tornt: Sonic.EXE (Tornt)
Nightmare Universe: Sark
