Oskar Paul Dirlewanger is a character in the Hearts of Iron IV mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe. He is one of the two main antagonists of the Southern Urals storyline, a minor antagonist in the overall storyline, and a possible villainous protagonist depending on player choice.
He is the leader of the Dirlewanger Brigade, a warlord-state in the Southern Urals. He is a former SS-Oberführer leading the 36th Waffen SS Panzer-Grenadier Brigade, which is currently a loose band of criminals in Orsk, Russia.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
- In 1934, he was arrested for raping a 14-year-old girl in Munich along with stealing a government-owned vehicle. Even before this, he was convicted of embezzlement and arms trafficking.
- In 1936, he joined the Condor Legion of the Spanish Civil War, aiming to protect dictator Francisco Franco’s troops. He committed mass war crimes against both sides but blamed them on other Spaniards in the legion than his own doing.
- In 1939, after being released from prison, he joined the Waffen-SS to aid the Nazi cause. It is here he came under the protege of Gottleb Berger and began organizing troops in squads.
- During World War II, he and his Dirlewanger Brigade (the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division) "committed countless atrocities in the Eastern campaigns" where he terrorized the civilians of Poland and Belarus. He committed similar atrocities in Russia again during the West Russian War of the 1950s.
- In 1944, He presided over the Wola Massacre which was the large scale killing of Poles in Warsaw during the greater Warsaw uprising. His brigade raped, tortured, killed as many as 5,000 men, women and children with brutal tactics. Dirlewanger was known to separate women and children in basements and make the women watch their children be gunned down before the women were raped or murdered in brutal ways. He also ordered the men of the Polish Home Army scalped or castrated, with their respective “pieces” to be brought back to him for a promotion.
- Dirlewanger was known to watch his men strip women and children naked, douse them in gasoline and then burn them on the streets of Warsaw, cackling as the event took place. He also forced the dog handlers of the Brigade to refuse feeding their dogs meat or anything because he wanted partisans and the innocents to be mauled and torn apart by the hounds. Dirlewanger also enjoyed torturing people in churches, either doing attempted flayings or vivisections as Dirlewanger was a staunch atheist and knew these people would go to nothing in the afterlife.
- Taking part in Heinrich Himmler's failed coup attempt, during which he planned to betray and kill Wehrmacht soldiers sent to help him. This would lead to Himmler sending a telegraph decrying Dirlewanger as a mad man and sadist and to have him executed immediately.
- It is here, during the West Russian War prelude, that many Russians and xenophobes flocked to join the Dirlewanger Brigade in the hopes of causing chaos, reaching a membership amount of 10,000 men.
- After the failed coup, he and his Dirlewanger Brigade escaped to Russia where they terrorized civilians along the way, engaging in rape, torture, and mass murder.
- Dirlewanger recruited people like Kalistros Thielicke, a German student who was arrested in 1934 for beheading his mother and took advantage of his volatile state to allow him to commit war crimes.
- The closest thing that Dirlewanger has to an overarching goal is to be remembered as a feared warlord and conqueror for all ages. He intentionally spreads terror in all of his military campaigns in the hope that he will be immortalized as a "boogeyman" by the people of Russia that will be feared for generations. His many crimes are done largely out of a mix of sadism and a desire to be infamous.
- Showing no loyalty to anyone other than himself. Despite being labelled a National Socialist in-game, he isn't even loyal to Nazi ideology. He is more of a warlord with the only Nazi tenant Dirlewanger follows being anti semitism.
- He has little to no regards for the well-being of his own troops. His aides are noted to be walking on eggshells in trying to avoid getting killed by him. He will also use his troops as cannon fodder in battle, or will even just abuse them off the battlefield for his own amusement. In somes of Dirlewagner's potential death events, his own men are occasionally shown to be relieved at his passing since they no longer live in fear of him. Dirlewanger is also known to rape the youngest boys of his brigade in hazing rituals to establish control and sadistic discipline.
- Despite leading a multi-ethnic brigade including people that the Nazis would consider subhuman, this is done out of pragmatism and not out of egalitarianism. He places no value on his men's lives either way regardless of their ethnicity.
- Potentially forming an alliance with Trofim Lysenko's Magnitogorsk so they can invade and destroy Orenburg. The purpose of the alliance is so that Lysenko can have human test subjects to experiment on and Dirlewanger can receive the finest German beer and women to torture, making Dirlewagner at least greatly complicit in Lysenko's crimes.
- If he conquers Orenburg and the Ural League, the in-game events describing this conquest mention entire villages being burnt to the ground, rivers being filled with blood, men and children being killed, women being raped to death, and any survivors being sent to Magnitogorsk for involuntary experimentation.
- If said alliance is formed, he eventually betrays his alliance with Lysenko (assuming Lysenko doesn't betray him first), backstabbing him to invade Magnitogorsk for himself in the hopes of looting his fortress.
- If he wins his war with Magnitogorsk, he will decapitate Lysenko and leave his corpse rotting on the ground before gloating at his death. The only thing he regrets is not having had more beer and women.
- One event has him forcing his men (under threat of death) to put a big artillery gun on the back of a truck, and then laughing when it recoils so hard that it kills two of his men. He then orders the other men to burn the bodies.
- Another event has him rape and murder a Kazakh man for not washing his truck hard enough.
- Another event has him caught by his own men in the nude forcing the decapitated head of an old man to give him fellatio in the barracks.
- Though he spares a boy in one event, that's only so that he can use said boy as a child soldier and sex slave.
- If he succeeds in all of his goals, he will declare himself a new Alexander the Great and boast about his intent to bring slaughter all across the world, and he will then start a conflict one of the larger nearby Russian warlord states, pillaging and completely ravaging the communities.
- In one of his death events, the NKVD puts him on trial with 490 counts of rape to his name.
- Should he die, all of the land he conquered will collapse into a state of chaos until a unifier appears in West Russia or Western Siberia, showing that he put nothing in place to actually manage the land he conquered.
- Even though some of Dirlewanger's many potential death events are played for laughs (such as lighting a cigar in a room full of flammable substances, drinking a mix of spiced vodka and bone dust as a dare, imitating the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, and going mad from the knowledge that he's a video game character), these do not detract from his overall heinousness. The comedic deaths make up a minority among all of his potential death events, and in the odd chance that they do play in-game, they are outliers in a mostly serious character. Furthermore, these joke events are usually at his expense and sometimes themselves will highlight his heinousness and cruelty towards his own men.
- While The New Order: Last Days of Europe has high heinousness standards, Dirlewanger stands out due to the nature of his crimes coupled with the lack of any redeeming qualities. Furthermore, he also is specifically noted to have committed rape, which is a crime that the mod rarely mentions or even implies.
- He, along with Heinrich Himmler, is one of two approved Pure Evils from The New Order: Last Days of Europe.
- His real life counterpart more or less committed the same crimes as his TNO self apart from his different fate and is considered the most evil commander in the SS if not all of World War II.
External Links[]
- Oskar Dirlewanger on the Villains Fanon Wiki
- Oskar Dirlewanger on the The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
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