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Mr. Reed is the titular main antagonist of the 2024 horror movie Heretic. Initially appearing as a friendly old man, behind close doors, he's a serial kidnapper who lures missionaries into his home for the sole purpose of breaking their minds and proving to them that the one true religion is control.

He was portrayed by Hugh Grant, who also played Forge Fitzwilliam in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He's a serial kidnapper who, prior to the events of the movie, has attracted many missionaries to his home, where he would kidnap, torture, and turn them into mindless slaves in an effort to make them renounce their faith and surrender themselves completely to his control, turning them into his "prophets". While he often acts friendly towards the people he meets, including his victims, it's shown that this is all only a façade he puts up to lure people into his trap.
  • Although he has some brief comedic moments, often cracking lighthearted jokes in the middle of conversation, they are not detracting as they are only amusing to the audience, with him being taken dead seriously as a threat throughout the movie. Aditionally, most of these moments are played for horror to showcase how much of a detached sociopath he truly is.
  • Although he does raise valid criticisms and critical analysis of religion throughout the movie, he ultimately chooses to utilize all the knowledge he has to manipulate and psychologically torture people just for the sake of his own twisted philosophy, thus muffling any point he was trying to make. Aditionally, he's a also a huge hypocrite as he, much like the religions he criticizes, uses his own faith as a justification to commit atrocities.
  • Throughout the movie, it is shown that he rigged his entire house to not allow anyone who enters it to escape, turning the place into his very own death trap.
  • He attracts Sister Barnes and Sister Paxton into his home under the guise of conversion, lying to them by saying that his wife was in the other room making blueberry pie just so they would enter his home with no qualms. It's eventually revealed that the smell of pie in the room actually came from a scented candle he planted there.
  • He uses the mechanism of his house to lock the two girls inside, while also stealing her bikes so they could not escape.
  • Throughout the movie, he tries with every bit of knowledge and rethoric he can to break the faith of Paxton and Barnes, just for the sake of his own amusement and to prove his point that the only true religion is control.
  • He writes the words "Belief" and "Disbelief" on two doors and deceives Paxton and Barnes by saying that one of them would lead to outside in order to trap them into his basement. It's later on revealed that both doors lead to the basement, meaning he was never giving them any choice to begin with.
  • He has one of his "prophets" eat a blueberry pie laced with poison in order to show the two girls a "real miracle" in action. Although we see her coming back to life later, as he said she would, it's later on revealed that this was all an elaborate trick and that he had simply replaced her body with another one of his prophets dressed in the same way when the two weren't looking in order to stage a supposed ressurection.
  • He kills Sister Barnes in front of her friend by slitting her throat with a box cutter, just as she was about to attack him. He later on slit open her arm to retrieve a contraceptive device, claiming that it was a microchip, using it to try and prove to Paxton that reality was a simulation.
  • After Paxton stabs him in the neck in order to escape his dungeon, Reed manages to sneak up behind her and stab her in the gut.
  • Even as he's about to die, Reed still tries to kill Paxton as she's praying, proving that, even in the face of death, he stuck with his misanthropy until the very end.


  • The ending of the movie is left open to interpretation as it's unknown whether or not Paxton actually managed to escape the house or if she actually did die, succumbing to her stab wound making the final sequence of the movie merely a dying delusion (which would have been foreshadowed by their previous conversation about the vision of the prophet of the afterlife). Had it been confirmed that Paxton did actually die, this would make Mr. Reed even worse.

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