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Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about the version of Megatron appearing Cybertron games as none of the other incarnations of Megatron in the Aligned family, such as Transformers: Prime or Exodus were not voted as Pure Evil. Thus only crimes pertaining to the Cybertron games should be added to the page.

I am dominator...I am the destroyer...I AM MEGATRON!!! Decepticons, receive your birthright!
~ ~ Megatron boasting his power as he harnesses Dark Energon.
I told you, to stay and defy me was to die! And nobody defies Megatron!
~ Megatron's message to the Autobots upon shooting several of their evacuating shuttles
This is what you chose, Prime, when you defied me. All of this is your doing.
~ Megatron to Optimus after the Last Prime is captured.

Megatron is the main antagonist of the 2010 third-person shooter by High Moon Studios, Transformers: War For Cybertron, it's sequel, Fall of Cybertron and of the Cybertron campaign of it's 2014 threequel, Rise of the Dark Spark, which takes place between the first and second games.

Once a gladiator turned revolutionary named Megatronus who was motivated to tear down an oppressive caste system alongside his best friend, Orion Pax, a lust for power grew within Megatronus that made him much more violent, leading to him getting rejected by the Autobot High Council and straining his friendship with Orion. Becoming Megatron, he founds the Decepticons for a war against Cybertron, putting him at odds at his former best friend, Orion Pax, who has later become the Autobots' leader, Optimus Prime. For his ultimate bid of power, Megatron turned to Dark Energon, a corruptive, unstable form of Energon (which is the blood of Unicron) to bend Cybertron to his will.

He was voiced by Fred Tatasciore, who also voiced Sweet Tooth in Twisted Metal: Head-On, Ultron in Avengers Assemble, Malthus in The Conjuring franchise, Mephistopheles in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Don Corneo in Final Fantasy VII Remake, the Mad-Man in Primal and High Override in the 2016 remake of Ben 10.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • While heavily implied to have been a slave who suffered from Cybertron's oppressive system, he initially joined with his best friend Orion Pax to have it abolished and ensure freedom for all Cybertronians, but then Megatron abandons such desires for the sake of becoming an even worse oppressor and subjugate everybody, rendering any potential Freudian Excuse null because his past does not motivate his present day crimes, just a lust for power and a god complex.
  • While he claims that he wants to return Cybertron to it's former glory, it is very evident Megatron is only an egomaniac concerned with his own power than actually acting on the best interests of Cybertron.
  • Is a horrific boss to his troops, forcing them all to do tasks that have very high chances of killing them lest he would have them executed should they refuse to even object to such orders. Whenever his men gets killed, Megatron shrugs them off as failures not fit to serve him. Many notable instances of this are:
    • His introductory scene, where Megatron shoots down one of his men when he objects against one of Megatron's plans for being suicide that will kill them all.
    • Shrugging off a battalion of his own Decepticon troopers as being beaten up, ranting about how they should either be victorious or dead. When Barricade offers some sympathy towards them and tell they put up a good fight, Megatron shouts on how they should put up a better fight.
    • When Zeta Prime crushes one of his men to death in front of him to boast his power to him, Megatron mocks the mook as just an idiot.
    • Frequently threatens to kill Breakdown whenever he snarks about how dangerous the situation against Omega Supreme is.
    • When Omega Supreme comes in, knowing how powerful and dangerous he is to his own troops, Megatron threatens to have anyone fleeing from the fight to be killed.


  • After his employers asked him to lose a few fights in the Gladiator arena, Megatron replied by brutally murdering them and then proceeded to take over Kaon and Slaughter City with his followers.
  • He remorselessly killed two Autobot spies named Bumper and Fastback, claiming that their lives were worthless compared to the millions of lives suffering under Sentinel Prime's leadership on Cybertron.
  • Although, he claimed that he had nothing to do with the extremist terrorist attacks done by some of the Decepticons, it is heavily implied that he did have something to do with them and only claimed to be innocent to gain sympathy and credibility from the masses. Alpha Trion even theorized that Megatron developed a sense of bloodlust after gaining attention from his violent tendencies inside the gladiator arenas of Kaon.
  • During the High Council hearings, when Halogen claims that Orion Pax should be the next Prime, Megatron becomes jealous and enraged, kills Halogen in a fit of rage and even accuses Orion of being a traitor (who actually didn't want to become a Prime in the first place and still tried to protect Megatron from getting apprehended by the Elite Guard) and cut all ties with his former brother-in-arms and best friend.
  • Launches a devastating war on Cybertron, which ravages the entire planet. Countless of both Autobot and Decepticons are killed in the conflict, while entire cities are laid to waste, while we get a glimpse of Cybertron on the outside and how numerous destructive explosions are set up all at once just to give a scope of how and the war actually became. It's gotten to the point where Ratchet worries the war will end not because the Autobots and Decepticons made peace but both sides will wipe each other out thanks to Megatron's madness.
  • While in the early days of the war, Megatron was merciful towards neutrals, he still allowed Shockwave to torture and experiment on Autobot sympathizers.
  • When the Praxians, a progressive city-state who were disappointed with the direction Megatron took, allied with the Autobots, Megatron decided he would no longer try to convert followers and launched the first genocide of the war, slaughtering all in Nova Cronum who would not submit to the Decepticons as they attacked.

War For Cybertron[]

  • Megatron attacks Starscream's Space Station, slaughtering a bunch of his troopers to harness the power of Dark Energon, looking forward to using its powers to corrupt and destroy.
  • When defeating Zeta Prime, Megatron impales the Autobot Leader at his torso. He sent Zeta Prime to Kaon to torture him to death.
  • Using Dark Energon, he painfully enslaves Omega Supreme to his will to open the path to Cybertron's very core.
  • He infects Cybertron's very core with Dark Energon, and since it was a sapient being, causes him a great amount of pain, while causing Dark Energon crystals to emerge all across Cybertron and make it uninhabitable. When Optimus Prime manages to clear the corruption, the damage was so severe, the core was forced to shutdown, not only making Cybertron incapable of sustaining life, it renders the Transformers to be an endangered species now that new Cybertronians are unable to be created, and there is no more new energon for both sides to sustain.
  • In the peak of Megatron's madness, he sets up Trypticon and has him destroy several Autobot shuttles filled with evacuees wanting to flee, leading to thousands of casualties, out of a mad fit that they aren't doing in his terms when Optimus refused his truce to do the same earlier, thus is not the one in control anymore. Megatron orders Trypticon to destroy Iacon City (the capital of the Autobots) and Optimus Prime.
  • Overall it is clear Megatron's ambitions will not end with Cybertron, and he wants to expand to conquer the universe and make it tremble to his name.

Rise of the Dark Spark[]

  • Threatened Starscream if he wish to cease function for questioning him, comparing Starscream's ignorance to his incompetence. He angrily replied to Starscream to never question him again.
  • Has Shockwave conduct numerous horrific experiments that sees dozens of Autobots killed.
  • He then claims the Dark Spark for the sake of using its properties to strip sentient beings of free will to turn them into zombified slaves and sic them against Optimus, and then inflict such horrific fate to each and every last Autobot.
  • Intending to rip the Matrix of Leadership out of Optimus with his bare hands.

Fall of Cybertron[]

  • Even when the Autobots now focus their efforts on building the Ark to leave Cybertron than continue the war against the Decepticons, Megatron is hell-bent on destroying to strand the Autobots on Cybertron and kill them all.
  • Setting out Warp Cannons in attempting to destroy the Ark.
  • Cold-bloodily executes two bound and helpless Autobot soldiers in front of Optimus out of spite while blaming him for Cybertron's ruin, despite it being entirely Megatron's fault.
  • After being revived by Soundwave from his old workship, Megatron kills through many of Starscream's loyalists and then exiled him to retake his position as leader of the Decepticons. Megatron then chastises Starscream for wasting Energon resources for the sake of creating golden statues for his vanity, and then almost immediately has one of the said statues replaced with an even bigger statue of himself which shows how much of a hypocrite Megatron is.
  • Seeks to attack the Earth to plunder it for its resources.
  • Upon realizing Trypticon is still alive, Megatron cannibalizes his body to force him to permanently become his warship, the Nemesis and not allowing Soundwave to repair Trypitcon so as to trap him in his new alt-mode, to punish him for his failure of killing the Autobots.
  • He makes one final attempt to kill Optimus and the Autobots as they flee aboard the Ark, causing countless casualties while Megatron himself ends up shooting Bumblebee down and mocking him as just a waste of energon.


  • When it comes to the "Aligned" continuity, Megatron only counts in the War For Cybertron games as in the Prime animated TV series, while more than heinous enough, Megatron ends up getting tortured by Unicron and realizing the true pain of oppression, immediately disbands the Decepticons and exile himself which redeems him somewhat.

External Links[]


           Transformers Logo (Prime-Styled) Aligned Pure Evils

War For Cybertron games: Megatron
Prime: Starscream | Silas | Airachnid | Unicron
Covenant of Primus: Unicron
Robots in Disguise: The Fallen | Starscream
