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Hanging here in these chains, she came to realize that I was her only way out. It wasn't long before she made her way from this dungeon... to my bed.
~ Magnus

Magnus is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Dante) of the AMC series Into the Badlands.

He is the leader of the Black Lotus, an organization dedicated to eradicating Dark Ones from the world due to the danger they pose. Despite the organization having a noble goal, Magnus is shown to use his position for his own sadistic desires, being responsible for the destruction of Azra and torturing Kannin until she became both a brainwashed killer for the cult and also his sex slave, despite the other members of the Black Lotus disagreeing with her being a member.

He was portrayed by Francis Magee. His younger self was portrayed by Fergus Mulligan.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He is a member and later leader of the Black Lotus, an organization that does have a noble goal in wanting to protect the world from the threat of Dark Ones, but Magnus did this for his own selfish reasons, as he is extremely sadistic and both threatens and kills people who are completely innocent and aren't even Dark Ones.
  • He is the primary reason that the Black Lotus is so unnecessarily sadistic, as following his death Kannin is able to take over the Black Lotus and move it in a better direction, proving that it was Magnus' influence that caused it to go from a group trying to protect the world to a group of merciless killers.
  • He worked as a scribe for the Abbot Monastery in order to get help in locating Azra, gaining the trust of a master Dark One named Ankara. Together they found the golden city of Azra, at which point Magnus poisoned her wine and left her to die.
  • While sneaking into Azra, Magnus was caught and imprisoned. When confronted by Sanzō, the son of the cities leader, Magnus told the young boy that his father Dante would destroy the world using his Gift, prompting Sanzō to free him. Magnus then immediately holds a knife to Sanzō's throat, holding him hostage in order to escape the situation, proving that his claims of wanting to help Sanzō were false.
  • After managing to escape Azra he and his fellow members launched an invasion into the city, killing every single citizen of Azra other than Sanzō, Kannin, and Taurin.
  • He and his fellow Black Lotus members tracked Sanzō, Kannin, and Taurin to a cargo ship they were hiding on, killing everyone on board in order to reach the three children.
  • Kannin sacrifices herself to allow Sanzō and Taurin to escape, leading to her capture by the Black Lotus. Magnus does not kill her, instead building a rig that would suspend her in the air and cause serious pain, torturing her to the point that she became a brainwashed killer for the cult.
  • He only let Kannin out of the rig once she began sleeping with him, making her into his sex slave despite her being a teenager at the time.
  • Despite Sanzō (now named Sunny) and Taurin (now named Pilgrim) both being Giftless due to Sunny losing his and Pilgrim never having it to begin with, Magnus still continues to track them down to kill them even though they aren't Dark Ones anymore.
  • When Ankara, Sunny, and Bajie are traveling together Magnus tracks them down and attacks them with flash grenades, knocking out Sunny and taking him prisoner, then proceeding to mock Ankara over her care for Bajie before murdering both of them.
  • The only reason he doesn't kill Sunny is so that he can take him back to the secret Black Lotus hideout Razor Ridge and break him into a mindless weapon just like what he did to Kannin.
  • He taunts Sunny over the fact that he murdered Bajie and turned his sister into a sex slave.
  • Bajie is revived by Ankara's Gift right before she dies, allowing him to go after the Black Lotus to try and save Sunny, but he is not successful and ends up being captured. Magnus proceeds to imprison him right next to Sunny, stating that after he uses the rig to break Sunny into a mindless killer, the first thing he will do is have him kill Bajie.
  • Sunny manages to free his sister of Magnus' brainwashing, at which point he, Kannin, and Bajie all manage to escape Razor Ridge. However, due to Pilgrim's conquest to take over the entire Badlands with an army of Dark Ones, Sunny contacts Magnus and asks for his help in defeating Pilgrim. Magnus admits that this is a reasonable compromise, but he claims to not believe in compromises and proceeds to try and kill Sunny anyways.
  • During his final duel against Sunny and Kannin, Magnus taunts Kannin by saying that he is going to enjoy breaking her again.


  • He, alongside Nos, is one of the two characters from Into the Badlands to be Pure Evil.

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