Pure Evil Wiki

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Pure Evil Wiki


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Leon Von Felden is a major character in the Fallout franchise. Mentioned only in the first and third games, he finally makes an appearance in the Amazon Prime TV series. He was a pre-War scientist and member of West Tek, serving as the head of the Forced Evolutionary Virus Project at the West Tek Research Facility and later the Mariposa Military Base, where he possessed the highest corporate security clearance.

In the TV series, he was portrayed by James Yaegashi, who also voiced Yi Suchong in BioShock.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He created the Forced Evolutionary Virus, making him responsible for many problems throughout the Fallout series.
  • Tested the FEV on illegal immigrants.
  • He is equally complicit in Vault-Tec's genocidal ambitions in starting the Great War, a global nuclear war that wiped out civilization and resulted in billions dying.


  • Leon Von Felden is the only Pure Evil from the Amazon Prime series.

External Links[]


           FalloutLogo Pure Evils

Main Games
Frank Horrigan | Stanislaus Braun | Eulogy Jones | Roy Phillips

Vulpes Inculta | Cook-Cook | Father Elijah | Leon Von Felden
