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Pure Evil Wiki
Pure Evil Wiki

Come, Aquila. Hand over those fyggs now, there's a good fellow.
~ King Godwyn.
Oh, how delightfully clever of you. Unfortunately, the price for such a priceless piece of deception will have to be your life.
~ King Godwyn.
Come along, let's give you the right royal thrashing you deserve.
~ King Godwyn.

King Godwyn, who is the current ruler of the Gittish Empire is the central antagonist of Dragon Quest IX, the ninth installment of the Dragon Quest series. He is the source of most of the conflicts that occurred within the game, it's main setting, as well as the past. He also the ruler of Gittish Empire residing at Gittingham Palace.

What Makes Him Pure Evil[]


  • He murdered his own father due to his impatience and everyone who would stand in his way to become the next king.
  • He transformed the Gittish Empire from a peaceful and a fair monarchy, into a despotical dictatorship dynasty.
  • He ordered the Gittish Empire 300 years prior to the story of IX to conquer the world after allying with the evil dragon Barbarus. Believing themselves to be superior to the rest of mankind, they conquered and burned down countless lands and demanded money and women from those they conquered.
  • He captured and tortured several Celtestrians for pleasure.
  • He was the main reason why Corvus had grown a huge hatred towards the human race because of coercing the father of Serena to give Corvus to the Empire. Although Serena's dad did betray both his daughter and Corvus hence why Godwyn has Corvus in custody but the commotion outside was caused by nonother than the King himself.
  • He had likely murdered hundreds to thousands more before Greygnarl had no choice but to kill him and his entire army, including Barbarus.
  • Even if rebels, protestors, soon to be victims of his empire or anyone in general surrendered to him, there was no guarantee that you would be spared. Some had found it the hard way regardless of them being on or off screen.


  • Even though he, Barbarus and The Triumgorate had been resurrected by Corvus who the main antagonist is he didn't show any appreciation for Corvus' action and treated him like trash still.
  • He continued his plot for world domination even after he was killed by Greygnarl. Gathered several Fyggs that descended to the mortal world.


  • He is likely responsible for an earthquake when they attempted to destroy the Observatory as well as the Realm of the Almighty, which woke the Wight Knight and he immediately headed to what he thought was Brigadoom to seize who he thought was his Princess Mona. He defeats the entire palace guard and demands that the King of Stornway send Princess Simona to Loch Storn. It's also revealed that Morag awoke too because of the same Earthquake.
  • The Earthquake also destroys the sealed jar Ragin' Contagion was in which allowed that monster to able to cause illness in Coffinwell once again, due to being sealed years before the game started.
  • It's implied that when he caused the earthquake, multiple Fyggs from the Celestrian trees had fallen down to the ground or anywhere else, so anyone who became a monster as well as any horrible actions they have done also falls under King Godwyn's shoulders for causing the Fyggs to fall out of the trees.

Other conflicts[]

  • Anything else that his Three Highly ranked members Goreham Hog, Goresby-Purrvis, and Hootingham-Gore did in the past before being resurrected by Corvus (even though it wasn't out respect) their crimes are also King Godwyn's fault too.
  • It’s shown that not even his own followers are terribly fond of him. Goresby-Purrvis didn’t approve of him murdering his father, for example.
  • He forced Aquila, apprentice of Corvus to take Fyggs from his home world and present it to King Godwyn in order for him to gain immortality.
  • He kills Aquila after he attempts to kill the Hero/Heroine and party members twice.
  • Corvus may be a threat to all mortal life, but King Godwyn is way worse due to his intentions of destroying buildings and not sparing lives even though they surrender to him.


  • He, along with Yore and Barbarus are the only pure evil antagonists to be from Dragon Quest IX. For more information, go onto their Pure Evil Villains Wiki

External Links[]

  • King Godwyn | Villains Wiki | Fandom
  • King Godwyn | Dragon Quest Wiki | Fandom
  • King Godwyn - Dragon Quest Wiki (dragon-quest.org)


           Dragon Quest Logo Pure Evils

Dragon Quest V: Grandmaster Nimzo | Bishop Ladja
Dragon Quest VI: Mortamor
Dragon Quest VII: Cardinal Sin | Orgodemir
Dragon Quest VIII: Rhapthorne
Dragon Quest IX: King Godwyn | Yore | Barbarus
Dragon Quest Heroes: Velasco | Fractos
Dragon Quest Monsters: Aamon (Dark Prince)

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: Vearn | Killvearn | Zaboera
Dragon Quest: Emblem of Roto: Imajin | Gorgona
