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Jody: Brought it on yerself, boy. You know it. Couldn't do like you were told, could you? Had to go yore own way. You'd've listened to me, we coulda made somethin' outta you...
Jesse Custer: A fuckin'... killer like you? You prick...
Jody: Aw shit, I'm a killer! Sure am glad you been payin' attention! S'pose now you gonna start whinin' 'bout me shootin' yore asshole of a father, huh?
Jesse: FUCKER!
Jody: Behave...! 'Course he was a asshole! He's the reason you turned out so goddamn soft, you stupid fuck! You been mine, I'd'a kicked yore fa----ty little ass good an' regular...
~ Jody justifying his abuse of Jesse Custer when the latter was young.

Jody is a major antagonist of the Preacher comic book series, being the secondary antagonist of the "All in the Family" arc (issues 8-12).

Along with the omnisexual rapist T.C., he is Marie L'Angelle's chief enforcer who played several key roles in Jesse Custer's abusive childhood, as Jody gladly committed numerous atrocities to harm Jesse on Marie's orders.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • In The Good Old Boys special, he beats a gorilla to death with a baseball bat, which he then uses to sodomize the fight promoter; and feeds Cal Hicks to an alligator.
  • He smiled while executing John Custer with a headshot in front of his wife Christina and 5-year-old son Jesse, the latter of whom's crying Jody then cruelly mocked.
  • He killed Jesse's pet dog Duke, nailing his head to a fence just for humping his leg.
  • He tried to kill Christina on Marie's orders, the former of whom only survived by kicking him in the balls and then jumping into the swamp. As a result, Christina got her left arm bitten off by an alligator, and got separated from Jesse for over a decade.
  • On Marie's orders, he would lock Jesse in a dark coffin at the bottom of the swamp for weeks at a time as a punishment for swearing.
  • He broke Jesse's arm when he was 17, clearly enjoying it too.
  • He kills Tulip O'Hare, Jesse's girlfriend, with a headshot right in front of Jesse after kidnapping them, during which he even threatened to have Tulip raped by T.C. before killing her unless they came along willingly.
  • In his final moments, he dies proud that his abuse of Jesse destroyed his innocence and turned him into a hardened killer.
  • While he is undyingly loyal to Marie, it's more out of fanaticism than anything else.


  • Only his comic counterpart is Pure Evil, because in the TV show, his treatment of Jesse is less malicious and more affable tough love, and he also has standards against Marie having her own daughter's stomach cut open.

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