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Emperor Daibazaal is a main antagonist of Beast King GoLion. He is a tyrannical and sadistic ruler of the Galra Empire who seeks to conquer the entire universe, plotting to destroy GoLion and its team, and even used his own subjects including his son Prince Sincline, as scapegoats whenever they failed.

He was voiced by late Kōsei Tomita.

What makes him Pure Evil?[]

  • He is shown to be cruel, vile and definitely ruthless as whole, as his son Sincline claims that he's truly devil embodied after being healed thanks to the blood of the poisonous king snake.
  • Began to conquer Great Dark Nebula, conquering many planets, killing many lives and capturing survivors as their prisoners for his own amusement. He would bring them to the arena to have them getting brutally slaughtered by Deathblack Beastmen.
    • One of the planets he had conquered is Planet Altea where he killed King Raimon and the queen, which leave Fala to be taken under Raible's care as result.
  • Raped a beautiful Altean woman which later gave birth to Sincline and then killed her when she begged for him to release other prisoners.
  • Has no qualms of abusing his son Sincline mercilessly and even lied to him about his mother died from giving birth to him, which are the main reason for his insanity and plots to overthrow him to take over his throne. While it doesn't justify Sincline's actions and crimes, his abuse and cruelty on him turns him into what he has become, a sadistic yet mentally unstable psychopath who loves to kill people for his own amusement and obsessed with Princess Fala due to bearing resemblance to his mother.
  • Discovered that five space pilots are escaping from Planet Galra, he order Sadak to pursue them and tear their limb from limb just like the other prisoners.
  • Whenever it comes to GoLion, he would send his army to attack Planet Altea and destroy it along with Castle Gradam so they couldn't get in his way.
  • Send Deathblack Beastman Bambara to steal Blue Lion so GoLion couldn't combined anymore. When the GoLion team founds out about this, Bambara would even took Fala hostage.
  • Send Lisa to Planet Altea to blow up Castle Gradam by promising her the freedom of the slaves from Earth if she agreed to help him. After Seidou finds out her true intentions, he reveals that Daibazaal would never do such thing and that he's been deceiving her all along but to no avail, proving that he has no sense of honor whatsoever. This even leds her to commit suicide after her brother is destroyed at the hands of GoLion.
  • Conspire with viceroy of Planet Jarre to enslave its people to build his monument for his 500th birthday. He would later order his army to execute them.
  • After Sadak failed to destroy GoLion once again, he was about to execute him for that and is only convinced when his son Sincline suggests him to convert him into a Deathblack Beastman so he could destroy GoLion. Unfortunately for him, Sadak is eventually killed in battle.
  • Has no problem of sending Sincline and his army to attack Planet Altea and the Castle Gradam while sending Deathblack Beastmen to destroy GoLion.
  • Has no respect for Sincline's decisions, as shown when he order him to kill Fala after he scolds him for letting his obsession gets the best of it despite he wanted to add her in his collection and arranging a forced marriage between him and Princess Sahlia of Planet Galleria but he only choose Fala over her.
  • After he was cured by drinking the blood of poisonous king snake, he mockingly thanking his son for that, showing that he genuinely has no gratitude.
  • Sending Honerva to trap GoLion team with Ghost Castle so he could turn them into human stew and eat them.
  • Send Sincline and his army to Earth and kill the GoLion team.
  • Enslaving the Murans to build the giant interstellar cannon on Planet Mura. When Hallem is using the cannon against them, he tried to destroy it alongside GoLion.
  • After choosing Bullbar as a perfect candidate for an invisible Beastman, he send it to Planet Altea so GoLion couldn't have to defeat it.
  • Send Devilburn to Planet Altea which turned the whole sky into fiery ones so everyone could died from heat exposure and thirst.
  • Send three Deathblack Beastmen to kill Sincline but to no avail. After he fought with Sincline in a duel, he was about to kill him and later agreed to turn him into Deathblack Beastman, but only for him to change his mind when Honerva suggests to use Mechablack Beastmen instead.
  • Since the creation of Mechablack Beastmen, he sends them to Planet Altea to destroy GoLion.
  • Order Sincline and his army to destroy the Castle Gradam with a giant subterranean bomb in the underground.
  • Enraged over his repeated failures of destroying GoLion, he order Sincline to fight GoLion ahead with a Mechablack Beastman, not caring if he'll be killed or not. Unfortunately for him, Sincline eventually use his own clone to fight them ahead of Beastman and is tricked into believing it was him after watching the 3D video disc of it.
  • Impressed by his skills, he agreed to send Reggar with a Mechablack Beastman to attack Planet Altea and defeat GoLion with his speed.
  • Send the five assassins Death Commandos to Planet Altea which led the deaths of several lives.
  • Using Space Wolf to trap GoLion and destroy Planet Altea alongside its people.
  • After taking Heraclean prisoners back to Planet Galra, he punished them by having Mechablack Beastman Goddess of Hell killed them.
  • Send Sincline and his army to a sand planet to kidnap the sand people for his nefarious plans. One of the sand people they captured is Sand, named by Fala, and is turned into a Deathblack Beastman to fight GoLion.
  • Order Sincline and his army to reclaim the lost planets he had conquered, with one of them are Planet Amazon and Jarre.
  • Order Sincline and his army to bring their own GoLion to Planet Jarre to destroy GoLion.
  • To get back at five liberated planets for forming an alliance with Planet Altea, he plans to create five hundred Mechablack Beastmen through Planet Midway, a factory where it creates a Mechablack Beastmen, and send them to many planets they have conquered and destroy GoLion and Planet Altea. When the spaceship with five hundred Deathblack Beastmen inside are destroyed, he send Mechablack Beastman Alpha to protect Midway and prevents GoLion from destroying it.
  • Send Honerva to Planet Altea with Mechablack Beastman Chi Granz to destroy GoLion.
  • Enraged of hearing over the formation of the Leo Alliance, he send Mechablack Beastman Zeta to destroy Castle Gradam and kill the delegates from the Leo Alliance.
  • Sending Raible's revived dead son Saint to Planet Altea to infiltrate the Castle Gradam and sabotage GoLion, allowing Sincline to steal the giant interstellar cannon and used it against GoLion.
  • Had enough over his repeated failure, he sentenced his son Sincline to death and have him imprisoned in Demon Castle while taking personal command of the next battle. This would gave a final straw for Sincline which caused him to rebelled against him, take over his throne and send him to fight GoLion with a Mechablack Beastman, not caring if he dies at the hands of GoLion.
  • Launched an attack on Planet Altea and went to destroy the giant interstellar cannon before they could used it against the Galra Empire.
  • Fought GoLion with a Mechablack Beastman and attempt to destroy them despite his son Sincline sending him to do.
  • Shown to have no care for his own subordinates and has no problem of having them getting killed. When they are failing him especially when they're defeated by GoLion, he would used them, even his own son Sincline, as scapegoats just to take his frustrations out of them and would even abuse them.


  • He and his son Prince Sincline are the only two Beast King GoLion villains to be Pure Evil, with their translation and adaptational counterparts not counting as pure evil.

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