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Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about the second timeline version of Gregory Butler from Happy Death Day 2U as he wasn’t the Babyface Killer in the first film


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Gregory Butler: (laughs, amused) Aw, look who brought a screwdriver to a gunfight...

(Tree notices the switch that turns on the MRI machine. Gregory cocks the gun) Tree Gelbman: Wait! I have something I need to tell you. Gregory Butler: What? Tree Gelbman: You're screwed! (Tree presses the switch, turning on the MRI machine. The wheelchair, pulled by the powerful magnet, is thrown against Gregory, slamming and pinning him to the MRI machine. The gun is his hand is also pinned to the machine) Gregory Butler: (screams painfully) Turn it off, you bitch! (Tree points the screwdriver to Gregory's chest. Realizing what she is going to do, Gregory is filled with fear) Gregory Butler: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, wait. Wait

~ Dr. Gregory preparing to kill Tree, until she is able to use the wheel chair magnet him and stab him with the knife and also his final words before death

Dr. Gregory Butler is the main antagonist of the supernatural Blumhouse film Happy Death Day 2U, a sequel to the 2017 horror film Happy Death Day.

He was a doctor at Bayfield University, until he was revealed to be the Babyface Killer in the second timeline dimension.

He was portrayed by Charles Aitken. In the costume scenes as Babyface, he was portrayed by Andy Dylan.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • Unlike his first dimension, Gregory Butler was hidden as the killer and killed Tree multiple times in her second timeline just how Lori did in the first dimension.
  • He releases John Tombs, planning to murder Lori to hide is affair, which would of endanger tons of people.
  • In one of the loops, he kills Carter for being a witness to his plan (who wasn't involved at all with anything going on between him, his wife, and Lori).
  • His wife Stephanie was willing to help him cover up his affair (as she didn't want to have her life ruined by a student of his), and in the final loop, he fatally shoots her with the gun she handed him to finish Lori and Tree off, saying he wants a divorce.
  • His demise is played for satisfaction, not for sympathy.


  • This is the only timeline of Dr. Gregory Butler to be Pure Evil, as his first dimension self cannot qualify due to being a supporting character in the first film as he was a doctor helping Tree without any revealed Babyface Killer identities and did nothing Pure Evil/Villainous.
  • He alongside John Tombs are the only Happy Death Day killers to qualify as Pure Evil.

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