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Pure Evil Wiki

A handful of us will remain sentient in order to supervise, maybe even rebuild, but for the rest of you, welcome to the end of your lives.
~ Barton after the Kasaavin army sends their energy throughout the world.

Daniel Barton is the one of two main antagonists of the two-part Doctor Who episode, "Spyfall."

He was portrayed by Lenny Henry.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He experimented on and killed numerous MI6 agents by erasing their DNA.
  • When he realized that the Doctor and her friends were tracking him, he attempted to kill them with with a handgun, including his own ally The Master (disguised as O), proving he isn’t even loyal to him.
  • He killed his own mother after he failed to please her.
  • He attempted to convert the entire human race into biological hard-drives, which would have killed all of them in the process, as well as trapping them into fates worse than death.
  • Despite the series' high heinous standard, he stands out for his lower resources and his unique methodology of conversion on people to hard drives.

External Links[]


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Doctor Who
The Master (Classic | Saxon | O) | Koquillion | Ramón Salamander | Great Intelligence | The Marshal | Davros | Sutekh | Rassilon | Morgus | The Rani | John Lumic | Max Capricorn | House | Winifred Gillyflower | Lord Sutcliffe | Tzim-Sha | Daniel Barton | Ashad | Tecteun

The Sarah Jane Adventures
Elijah Spellman

Oswald Danes
