The Chief Lion is a major antagonist in the manga and anime Beastars, serving as the main antagonist of the Meteor Festival arc. He was the leader of the Shishigumi and ordered the kidnapping of Haru in order to humiliate and devour her before she was saved by Legoshi and was killed by Louis.
In the anime, he was voiced by Takaya Hashi in the Japanese version, and by Kyle Hebert in the English Dub, who voices Spec in the Studiopolis dub for Baki.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
- He is the leader of the Shishigumi for at least 15 years. During that time, he and his minions kidnap several herbivores for him to devour.
- He told Ibuki that the only way to find happiness in life was to be feared and be seen as superior to everyone else, which lead Ibuki to start working for him and helping him in killing animals, both herbivores and carnivores alike.
- He had his minions start a blackout in order to kidnap as many herbivores as they could, although they were only able to kidnap Haru.
- When one of his minions tried to forcefully strip Haru, the Chief Lion told him to stop and then forced her to do it and take a bath so Haru's meat would be tastier for him.
- After she was done taking a bath, he sexually assaults Haru by touching all the parts of her body in order to make her feel embarrassed and terrified in order to add further flavor to her meat.
- After Haru stood up for herself, he held her and tried to devour her before Legoshi stopped him.
- He tried to kill Legoshi and bit his hand, although he was able to fight him and bit the lion's shoulder blade off and thus ending their fight.
- When Haru and Legoshi were leaving the Shishigumi headquarters, the Chief Lion tried to kill them both by shooting them, although Louis stops and kills him.
- He is the only Beastars villain to be Pure Evil.
External Links[]
- Chief Lion on the Villains Wiki.
- Chief Lion on the Netflix Wiki