“ | Ooh, my Spider-Sense is tingling... if you know what I'm talking about. | „ |
~ Eddie Brock making a perverted comment about Mary Jane Watson in front of her love interest Peter Parker. |
“ | Ain't you sweet? Soft like a girl...I'd rather f**k your a**hole, than your sister's p**sy, I think. | „ |
~ William Wharton groping Percy Wetmore. |
Pure Evil Perverts are the worst of the worst in terms of perverts, often predatory in nature these characters are motivated largely out of a desire to act out twisted sexual fantasies that go far beyond the acts of regular perverts - often involving extreme torture, murder and abnormal activities, making them thrill-seekers of sadistic and sadomasochistic sex. These kinds of characters are reviled and feared even by other villains due to the extreme nature of their perversion.
NOTE: Not all rapists are perverts. This may seem odd for a casual editor, but some rapists do it purely out of spite or sadism, without viewing the act as sexual (e.g. Bogs Diamond). The same goes for proxy-rapists who enable rape for pragmatic gain (e.g. Sam Choksey).
Judge Holden -
Ai Magase -
Count Orlok (2024 remake) -
AM -
Femto -
Slappy the Dummy -
Josh (Megan Is Missing) -
Scar (Disney)
All items (573)
- Aarfy
- Aaron Peel
- Adam Grafton
- Adam Smasher
- Adrian (Inside No. 9)
- Adrian Baker
- Adrianna de la Santos
- Agustin Allende
- Ai Magase
- Akasha (The Vampire Chronicles)
- Akio Ohtori
- Akivasha
- Alan Yates
- Albert Spica
- Alexia Ashford
- Alfie Blessington
- AM
- Amon Goeth
- Amshel Goldsmith
- Amy Kirio
- Andy Evans
- Angelus
- Angra Mainyu
- Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri
- Annihilus
- Anthony Lilliman
- Antinous (EPIC: The Musical)
- Apartment Predator
- Ar-Pharazôn
- Arba
- Archibald Cunningham
- Arjen Rudd
- Arklem Greeth
- Arondil
- Art the Clown
- Arthur Walsh
- Asav
- Assef
- Aunt Ruth Chandler
- Ava Lord
- Azuras
- B. Frederick Judd
- Barnaba
- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
- Barracuda
- Beaugarde Lesko
- Big Smile Lee
- Bill Carver
- Billy Kincaid
- Billy Lee
- Black Humanoid
- Black Mask (DC Extended Universe)
- Black Mask (DC)
- Black Noir
- Black Wolf (Ghost of Tsushima)
- Bob Clinton
- Bob Ewell
- Bob Goodall
- Bob Underwood
- Bob Wolverton
- Bobble the Clown
- Bobby Earl Ferguson
- Bobby Hayes
- Bobby Masconi
- Brainiac (Superman Lives)
- Brian Irons
- Buck
- Bullseye (Daredevil 2003)
- Bullseye (Marvel)
- Bunny
- Burke (Jonah Hex)
- Carl Buford
- Carl Jones
- Carl Sturgis
- Carmine Falcone
- Carnage (Marvel)
- Carnage (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
- Casanova
- Casanova Frankenstein
- Catalina
- Cecil Creepler
- Cecil L'Ively
- Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia
- Cell
- Cesare Borgia (Assassin's Creed)
- Chaka (Black Lagoon)
- Champ
- Charlie Jolson
- Charon IV
- Cheerilee (Cheerilee's Garden)
- Chief Lion
- Chikou
- Chip Drygion
- Cho Sang Heon
- Chris Andrews
- Chris Cleek
- Chucky
- Clarence Boddicker
- Clarence Darby
- Clive Koch
- Colm O'Driscoll
- Colonel de Sade
- Colonel Volgin
- Commodus
- Constance Hatchaway
- Cook-Cook
- Corrine Dollanganger
- Cosmos
- Count Dracula (Universal classics)
- Count Orlok (2024 remake)
- Count Vertigo
- Craster
- Crazed Man
- Cult Leader (Lookism)
- D-3826
- Dandy Mott
- Daniel Whitehall
- Danielle Drivas
- Dante
- Dante Zogratis
- Darryl Kern
- Daryll Lee Cullum
- David (The Last of Us Show)
- David (The Last of Us)
- David McCall
- Deacon Frost (Blade)
- Denise Daniels
- Dennis Crim
- Dennis Rader (Mindhunter)
- Derek Clifford Simmons
- Dermot "Lucky" Quinn
- Dezumozorlya
- Dick Hardly
- Diego Brando (Parallel World)
- Dino Velvet
- Dio Brando
- Diodora Astaroth
- Doctor Destiny (DC)
- Doctor Light (Post-Crisis)
- Dogeyes Lin
- Dominic Greene
- Don Corneo (Remake)
- Donald Love
- Donquixote Doflamingo
- Dr. Angus Bumby
- Dr. Arliss Loveless
- Dr. Carl Tanner
- Dr. Charles Decker
- Dr. Gregory Butler
- Dr. James Kennedy
- Dr. Meridian
- Dr. Nefarious Tropy
- Dr. Nefarious Tropy (Female)
- Dr. Oliver Thredson
- Dr. Persephone Trinh
- Dracula (The Belmont Legacy)
- Drake Merwin
- Fargo and Red
- Father Hughes
- Femto
- Fenrir Greyback
- Foxy Funderburke
- Frank (Barbarian)
- Frank (Once Upon a Time in the West)
- Frank Booth
- Frank Cotton
- Frank Dodd
- Frank Tenpenny
- Frank Underwood
- Franklin Barnes
- Freddy Krueger (original)
- Freddy Krueger (remake)
- Freed Sellzen
- Fritz (Attack on Titan)
- Fuhrer Ugly
- Funatsu