Pure Evil Wiki

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Pure Evil Wiki


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Thank you for returning this one to me
I must thank you properly
It's simply manners, see
It would be a shame
If your good deeds were in vain
So would you please give me your name?
~ Beelze's opening lines

Beelze is the main antagonist of the Juno Songs video Death Toll WITH LYRICS, he's who wants to thank the player (Boyfriend/Dawn) for returning his Brozong, and tries to trick them into signing one of his contracts.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • Putting a friendly facade, he began asking Dawn (in reality, he was asking Boyfriend) for their name so they would be able to sign his contract.
  • Upon Boyfriend having his name signed on his contract, he began to trap Boyfriend into his game by using Dawn's body, slowly killing her off alongside her pokemon, ignoring her desperate pleads for help.
  • When he meets Boyfriend personally, he "welcomes" him to his new prison, stating he owned him now, and was going to suffer for the rest of eternity due to Beelze and Hell Bell being stronger than him.
  • Ultimately, he succeeds in his goals, recieving no punishment for his crimes.
  • While it's implied Beelze might be demonic to some degree, there's nothing that states that he's made of evil or has any moral agency issues.
  • While it could be argued that the song's part where Dawn was pondering whether or not to give her contact information to Bezel is humorous, It's rather brief and ultimately a product of Dawn not yet knowing how dangerous the situation was at that point in time.
  • While he does own Hell Bell, he's never seen interacting with them at any point in the song, leaving it ambigious if he cares about them.


           PokemonLogo Pure Evils

Main games
Spin-off games
Darkrai | Purple Eyes

Main anime and films
Dr. Yung | Cyrus | Hunter J | Grings Kodai | Alva | Dr. Zed

Manga Adaptations
Charon | Io | Markus

The Lost Child: Arceus | Camerupt
A Marvelous Journey: Hunter J
Nightmare Invasion: Mewtwo

See Also
Nintendo Pure Evils

            Newgrounds Pure Evils

Video Games
Epic Battle Fantasy: The Devourer
Riddle School: Shaw deLot

Animated Features
Madness Combat: Director Phobos
Animator vs. Animation: The Dark Lord
Monkey Wrench: Dr. Agness

Super Mario Bros. Z: Turbo Mecha Sonic

Animator vs. Animation
Endgame: The Dark Lord
They're Sticks, Probably: Ballista
Father & Son: Navy | Night Shade

Epic Battle Fantasy
Once More, Into the Maw of Defeat: The Devourer

Friday Night Funkin´
The Trollge Files: Legion
VS Impostor: Black (RecD)
Juno Songs' covers: Starved | Beelze
Fiepies' covers: GB

Sonic the Hedgehog
Nazo Unleashed: Nazo the Hedgehog

Spooky Month
Games That Aren't Fun: Roy's Uncle

Super Mario Bros.
Mario Brothers: King Koopa

           Creepypasta Pure Evils

The Slenderverse
Original Mythos: The Slender Man
WhisperedFaith: The Speaker
Windigo: Windigo
Slender: The Slender Man
Ask Jeff and Jack: The Slender Man
Madame Macabre: The Slender Man
Slender Man vs Siren Head: The Slender Man | Siren Head

Original Story: Sonic.exe | Shannon Goldman
Blood Tears: Akrasiel
Sensation Studios: Furnace | Starved
Juno Songs: Starved
SayoSkyy: EXE
Miles.EPS: Edwin Fuarson
One More Time: Sonic.OMT
Tornt: Sonic.EXE
Nightmare Universe: Sark

Jeff the Killer
Slimebeast: Jeff the Killer
Pastra: Jeff the Killer

The Stalker | Mr. Richards | Uncle Johnny | Joseph Murphy | “Resisilobus”

The Rake

The Demon

The Dog

Red | Peter | Y'golonac | Unreal Jesse | Plague | Bora the Invader | Cheerilee (Cheerilee's Garden)

External Links[]
