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They're stupid, so I can dominate them, and kill any problems, but there's not enough mind to control. Thinking about it, that's a problem, the stupidity. Couple of years, half of these will be gone, one way or other. Realistically, how long are we going to sustain this paradise?
~ One of Salt's journal entries outlining his plans.

Beauregard Leander Salt is the overarching antagonist of the Alan Moore horror apocalypse comic Crossed +100.

He was an infamous serial killer and cannibal prior to C-Day before becoming a member of the Crossed, although retaining his usual intelligence and personality. He quickly realizes the Crossed’s downfall and plans for a way to continue the cycle of violence indefinitely.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • Even before the infamous C-Day, Salt was a serial killer and cannibal known as “The Phonebook Killer” who terrorized his town for years.
  • When seeing the Crossed infection hit his town, he was ecstatic, seeing the infection as a paradise. He continued his day while chaos was happening around him, with him even mentioning killing four people, including his neighbors. It is worth noting that when Salt realized he was infected by the Crossed, he was completely unaffected and showed no signs of change, showing how insane and evil he already was, and that he already was living as his true self with all of his deepest darkest desires unleashed, leaving nothing for the Crossed virus to unearth.
  • He serial murdered, tortured, and cannibalized innocents with his fellow Crossed for a while, until he realized that The Crossed were going to go extinct, leading him to come up with a plan to prolong the cycle of violence and pain as much as possible, even when he’s gone.
  • He set up a giant cult and weeded out the “anti-social” Crossed, while getting the Crossed women pregnant and keeping them healthy while preventing them from becoming erratic so they won’t kill themselves. He then set up a tribe of twelve children which were raised under the same morals as him, and had it so they all did the same for their children.
  • Spread his cultish message to the rest of the Crossed through the lands, making him a Messiah-like figure in which the Crossed idolizes and follows.
  • Made a plan that every generation, the Crossed will lay low and repopulate, making humanity soft and letting their guard down before attacking the homes and civilizations, and leaving some alive in order to continue the cycle of violence as much as possible until eventually humanity dies out, something Salt clearly shows no care about.
  • While some of Salt’s descendants deviate from his plan, such as Sneezy who simply tries to kill all of humanity and Fleshcook who wants to work with humanity, Salt’s actions clearly still affect survivors even after 100 years into the future.
  • Despite the giant heinous standard of Crossed, making everyone else unable to pass the heinous standard, Salt manages to stand out due to the scope of his crimes attempting to prolong the system of mass murder, rape, mutilation, torture, etc., for as long as possible, along with him being just as heinous as the crossed pre-infection.

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