Alien Adacic is a minor antagonist in the 2019 Netflix anime series, ULTRAMAN, based on the original 2011 manga series. He served as the main antagonist in the third episode "Being Ultraman Isn't So Bad" and the fourth episode "Release the Limiter!".
He is a serial killer that targeted humans for his own pleasure while hunting them down and was the very first Seijin Shinjiro ever faced (excluding Bemular).
He is voiced by Yuichi Jose in Japanese dub and Xander Mobus in English dub.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
- He has been killing and drinking the blood of multiple innocents since he first immigrated on earth while disguising himself as a human.
- First killed a man onscreen while he impersonated as an officer.
- When found by SSSP in a warehouse, he killed several more people and have their blood drained, including one of them being a high school student.
- Sadistically taunted Shinjiro about being an "Ultraman" while expressing amusement from his killings during their fight.
- Endangered many civilians in his fight with Shinjiro with the intention of wanting to kill countless more just to spite the latter.
- Attempted to kill Shinjiro over having his arm mutilated.
- Although it could be assumed his species eat people to survive, Adacic committed his actions for his own sadism instead.
- Despite having to compete in the likes of Ace Killer and Alien Pedan, Adacic still stands out for having lower resources and comes off as one of the series' most heinous villains with the most brutal and graphic killings onscreen despite having to appear for two episodes.
- Adacic, alongside Ace Killer and Alien Pedan, are the only three ULTRAMAN Pure Evils.
Pure Evils | ||
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