I came up with this idea beacuse you guys know the judge who locked Jeremiah Compsons house is called Judge Meredith Holden. So thats why it would be funny and interesting to see how they would interact
How about Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious?
Yeah they do have potential if you want to propose them
Most likely NPE, if his comedic moments are too much then IH
Good one. Who are you gonna do after him
Aku does influence The High Priestess to be PE
Kronika made Shang Tsung and Shinnok PE by controling Shang Tsung's destiny and by being Shinnok's mother (while yes we don't know much about the relation between Shinnok and Kronika but still i'm gonna mention that)
Also MAWS Brainiac can be PE in the future but right now we have to wait
I am not sure about this one but still here we go. Leviticus Cornwall made Colonel Henry Favours worse (He was known as a incompetent general in the American Army) by supporting him in his war with the Indians
Good fanart of AM. Also do you think he would look like that if they gived him a body?
Also forgot about Dr. Pickman who made Leo Kasper worse thanks to the expriment he made on Daniel Lamb which had him and Leo in the same body
The Van corrupted Vicious and Alien Reiblood made Ultraman Belial PE by helping with his actions
NoEntertainment16 Her name is Piper Shaw
Blaise Debeste indirectly caused Manfred Von Karma and Dahila Hawthrone to be PE thanks to the DL-6 Incident
Good job dude. I would love if Rockstar made a prequel DLC where you play as Mikhail Faustin and Dimitri Rascalov
WowVerySurprising yeah she does have the PE category
Palpatine when he corrupted Maul by kidnapping him when he was a kid, having him in a torturus training and when he returned he killed Savage and tortured him with his force lightning, had him captive and then he and Grievous killed Mother Talzin in front of him. And also how he tricked Anakin to the Dark Side by using those visions of dying Padme and also how he told him the Jedi are evil (i mean most of the Jedis vere assholes like Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi when they persecuted Ahsoka and how they did not give Anakin the rank of master)
I came up with this idea beacuse you guys know the judge who locked Jeremiah Compsons house is called Judge Meredith Holden. So thats why it would be funny and interesting to see how they would interact
Good one
Okay i see
It's from the official comic book of Final Space right?