Johan Liebert and John Doe
Pure Evils can never truly have freudian excuses in general(if you ask me) but compared to Umbridge, definitely, Romeo. And honestly, Voldemort didn't nullify his tragedy until he tried to kill Harry as an infant whereas someone like Koba, it only took ONE act of betrayal to completely destroy any sympathy for him(at least for me since I hate traitors in general). On the hand though, Umbridge NEVER had a freudian excuse and became evil ALL on her own.
To be brutally honest, I consider Umbridge more vile despite not killing anybody(not directly anyway...) and what people say. I mean, she tried to remove Harry's soul. I can't think of anything more horrifying than that. Thing is I knew she was Pure Evil but DAMN I didn't think she was THAT far down the horizon.
There are many villains out there more vile than Voldemort and some of them aren't even main antagonists.
Yeah, if he just killed everyone, that would literally make no sense at all so your argument is absolutely invalid. Not even a mass murdering serial killer like Chucky did that because, again, it would make no sense. Ugh... I can't deal with this argument anymore.
I'm not gonna say anything about this because at this point, I don't care who gets removed from PE.
I mean, the fact that he commits For The Evulz crimes LEFT AND RIGHT alone should make him worse than Frieza.
Zamasu is too much of a douchebag to ally with anybody but himself.
@The Golden Moustache A building used for taking care of Children, might I add.
You know what? I'm gonna watch one of them tonight when I go to bed.
Exactly, I mean, not that this exactly means anything but I own all 7 Chucky films and watch them quite frequently. Is it to feel sympathy? No. It's for "fun" so to speak.
Bottom line is that some villains are just simply meant to be fun to watch.
Yeah and a lot of villains are COMPLETELY unsympathetic and we still love them. For me, that would be Chucky. I mean, he's a totally unsympathetic serial killer and yet I want him to stay that way. Because, for me, the genius of Chucky was that they made him evil as possible while making him likable at the same time.
Thank you, Red.
What makes him better than Palpatine in your opinion? Just curious. I personally like Palpatine better(Huge Stars Wars fan BTW) honestly but I'm willing to hear you out here.
@Red Chevalier You're right. I don't know what came over me at the time.
How so, Golden?
I'm sorry but the idea of this f**king bitch getting removed from PE just makes me angry to death.
Oh my god... I knew she was bad but wow...