Could Mr. Creepler’s attempt to lure in and violate Doughy count as one. Although he failed at it, he did nonetheless deeply scar him by means of indecent exposure.
Pic provided of this sick scumbag commencing his foul plan:
@Wut the fella I know. This was made before his removal.
They were proposed and removed through discussions.
55 Votes in Poll
Could Mr. Creepler’s attempt to lure in and violate Doughy count as one. Although he failed at it, he did nonetheless deeply scar him by means of indecent exposure.
Pic provided of this sick scumbag commencing his foul plan:
Ones that are completely mute.
Agreed in the PE proposal for him that he is taken completely seriously by the story, and that his comedic moments never detract from his cruelty.
That rule only applies to the Villains Wiki’s PE Proposal system.
Stu, Jill, and Roman would’ve likely all been on Death Row.
Mary Shaw collecting dolls and puppets.
@Dodgernick The Image is used for his Novel version.
Arkham City was where he officially crossed the line by attempting to kill the Medical crew as part of his game.
Astonishingly Novisor-esque in facial and other anatomical features. Sort of a combination between it and Katz.
Simply not explicitly using their comedic edge to emphasize cruel remarks.
The Batman’s Joker. The chemicals brought out the sheer madness in who was once a kind and well meaning man.
Their presence simply has to be based on impact for the most part and not be physically shown for a long time if ever.
That’s what I meant before on this. His initial proposal was likely plagiarized (I think the same with Zemus) so they couldn’t approve them.
Yes. This kind of pragmatic gesture is common for PEs. They want to spare someone they know can be as dangerous as them.