37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
As I hate Jacque Schnee’s guts, his criticisms about Ironwood’s extreme policies hurting Atlas’s economy weren’t inaccurate, even if he only made them out of spite and greed.
He’d win in a landslide, so I didn’t include him.
42 Votes in Poll
There’s already quite a bit of speculation about Black Doom becoming a future villain due to Shadows origins. Any others you can see making it into the cinematic universe?
Odalia was for the most generic abusive parent and weapons dealer, but her giving Belos a vital resource for his genocide campaign knowing full well the consequences was what allowed her to pass the heinous standard.
Metalocalypse, despite having more plot and depth than most adult cartoons (South Park anyone?), is still mostly about a band of psychotic man children getting people killed with their over the top hijinks, all of which are played for black comedy and to the detriment of their manager Charles Offsenson. Despite the prevalent dark humor, the shows overall big bad Salacia is a genuinely terrifying Eldritch omnicidal psychopath with an apocalyptic endgame that is treated dead seriously.
The Prime version. One Airachnid is a definite sadist, but manages to be professional in her duties. Prime Airachnid’s sadism has no restraint and she always goes out of her way to hurt people in the most personal ways imaginable, especially when it comes to Arcee. Plus she committed genocide on many worlds as a hobby.
Sentinel Prime: I said no more speeches (crushes EB in his hand).
21 Votes in Poll
Having recently watched a few playthrough’s of the game, the bastard just screams “irredeemable monster”. He uses his position as director of the Peace Keepers to oppress the people of Kanai Ward, having innocent people arrested under false charges with a few being outright executed. He killed off most of a team of detectives hired by his superior to investigate him and throws his subordinates under the bus if they get exposed, at one point trying to kill his lover Martina for failing him. He manipulates one detective into killing a doctor threatening to expose him by framing said doctor for the murder of his wife and had plans to reveal that the residents of his city are defective humunculi and get the city destroyed by the government for the sake of power. The man has no redeeming qualities and is made out to be as loathsome and depraved as humanly possible.
Emperor Belos.
TO Sentinel had a lot more personality, even if said personality was repulsive.
TO Sentinel had a lot more personality, even if said personality was repulsive.
She is realistic as an abuser, but her incorporation of telepathy when it comes to her degrading comments towards Amity does still give it a supernatural feel. Barring the grimm armor fight he arranged with Weiss, everything Jacques puts Weiss through, from using her as a prop to promote his image, blaming her for her mother's depression, to outright hitting her hits a lot closer to home for me. They're both realistic as abusive parents, it's just that Jacques abuse strikes a deeper cord for me.
Jacques because his abuse is much more realistic and impactful than Odalia’s.
31 Votes in Poll
81 Votes in Poll