Which Pure Evil villains had a legitimate point they made? (Even if it didn't make them morally noble in the end)
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Which Pure Evil villains had a legitimate point they made? (Even if it didn't make them morally noble in the end)
Let's say the PEs on here are now being charged for their crimes. Out of all the PEs on here, which ones do you think would have the least severe sentence?
Like Steven He said: FAILURE!
Wow, if that's the case, how much does DC have?
I wonder if a scenario like this would make someone qualify for From Nobody to Nightmare.
Let's say a regular guy is born, not a god or supernatural being, just a regular human and let's name this guy "Andrew McPowell". Andrew has absolutely no redeeming qualities and lives in a loving environment as a child. Andrew is apathetic at best and exploitative to everyone, manipulating people into doing things for him and keeping to himself while not caring for anyone. Then, once he reaches the age of 8, he decides to commit crimes, nothing too severe, but he engaged in criminal mischief, theft, and burglary. Once Andrew becomes a teenager, he crosses the Moral Event Horizon and kills his family (who didn't even hurt him), eventually deciding to become a serial killer in the process who also robs constantly even in adulthood.
I wonder if a scenario like this would make someone qualify as a case of From Nobody to Nightmare if they were already a criminal from a young age even though the more severe crimes happened as a teenager and beyond? I'm only asking this not because I'm creating a story or character like Andrew, but only because the thought of a case like Andrew just came to me and if he would qualify for From Nobody to Nightmare.
Got it, now I know. Thanks. Also, no wonder people seemed annoyed when talking about Badge of Honor.
You know, in all my time here on the Pure Evil Wiki, I keep noticing the term "Badge of Honor" or "BOH". Sorry for being so dense, but what does it even mean? I never knew what it meant and I always got confused every time I saw the term being used.
Since the people here tend to like Pure Evil villains, which PE villain that you like as a character would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea with while either just chilling or conversing about a certain topic? Don't worry, the PE villain won't hurt or kill you, so you'll be fine by the end of it.
Ah yes, my favorite Gravity falls character, d i a p e r
Lol just imagine.
(The three of them are sitting together wearing headphones and using mics while a Green Room playlist is playing in the background.)
Judge Holden: So what do you boys think of raping people? I do it and it's pretty fun, especially to young ones.
AM: Never done it, that's not to say I didn't make others do it.
Qu: Oh yeah, I can relate, though probably doing the deed yourself is more fun I bet, I should try it one day.
Judge Holden: You should, I like doing it, especially when you kill them afterwards like I did to that Kid boy.
AM: Well I just consider rape another form of torture, just with extreme sexual tones, or in your case Holden, extremely gay sexual tones.
(Judge Holden snickers a bit.)
Qu: Speaking of torture, you guys think we should make a torture chamber?
AM: I already kinda do?
Judge Holden: I torture wherever I please.
Qu: I get it but get this, this torture chamber only for us, just specialized with a whole bunch of terrible stuff personalized for us to use when we wanna.
AM: Sounds kinda like mine but hey, anything to torture those human survivors.
Judge Holden: I'm on board too, just get me those fancy drugs to knock out the victim, after all like that one Japanese game focusing on redemption we will never have, they'll never see it comin'. What was that game called again? Personal?
AM: Heh, good one. Also, it's a game series called Persona, and you specifically quoted Persona 5.
Qu: So have you conquered the world yet Holden?
Judge Holden: Still working on it the Suzerain of the world thing. I'm only a man, albeit a man who might not be a human at all. Besides, I'm close, what with my abilities and all.
AM: When you become Suzerain can we have free rein to hurt anyone we please?
Judge Holden: I already hurt people, do anything you want, you can even steal the clothes on anyone you like and take them for yourself for all I care.
Qu: Personally, I'd just remake every species to be chaotic if I were you Holden, saves some trouble at least.
AM: Yeah but, I don't think Holden has those capabilities.
Judge Holden: I don't, probably. And besides I can run out of ideas on how to hurt and torment, not like you AM.
AM: You flatter me.
Judge Holden: So we're all in agreement. Work together to find different ways to torture people, either in our worlds or beyond since we somehow managed to connect despite being from separate realities.
AM: I'm eager.
Qu: Agreed.
Judge Holden: Ok, wanna start after this is done?
AM: Absolutely.
Qu: Sure, why not?
Judge Holden: Well, I'm ending it here.
(The three of them share a laugh at the abrupt ending.)
AM: You cheeky little outlaw.
Judge Holden: Yeah I am. Anyway, that's it for today and it's always a pleasure to hang with you guys.
Qu: A pleasure indeed.
AM: Yes it is, now let's go get everything in our arsenal and go after anyone we find.
Judge Holden: Alright, let's giddy up and get on out of here.
(They take off their headphones and leave the room. Muffled screams and sounds of carnage are heard from outside.)
Wouldn't that be redundant?
Albert Wesker is delusion incarnate. He says he's doing a favor wiping out most of humanity and dominating those who survive but come on, we all know he just wants to stroke his ego. He's like Zamasu but if he was actually a mortal human.
Morgoth rules over a land where stepping one foot in it results in you getting annihilated unlike Palpatine's empire. The answer's kinda obvious.
You actually did it. I salute you, good work. o7
This is pretty cool. I like how you use research to properly label these dudes it's real smart. If it ain't too much trouble, can you do Micah Bell next? He strikes me as a HUGE psychopath and I wanna see what he scores.
We know Karma Houdini Pure Evils get away with things. We know Successful Pure Evils get desired things. Now when these two combine it just spells trouble.
But which Karma Houdini Pure Evils do you think were the most successful in achieving their goals, all while getting away with it in the process?
One example I have would be Louis Bloom who managed to become a CEO, rich, kinda famous as he wanted and never faces any punishment for it.
Isaac would probably like the Lich for how freaky and serious he is. Either that or Isaac despises him for trying to one up him with omnicide of everything. Or Isaac would just finds the Lich too creepy to work with. Whichever comes first.
Wow the votes are lopsided, good. Also what Blueninja said is absolutely true.
Dear Lord, they're hideous 0-0