Every single main villain from Guardians of The Galaxy films is on here.
Now I actually feel kinda sorry for TBBH Spongebob
Dinofelis. I also saw their also all considered Hate Sinks too.
Also I haven't actually seen GOTG3 yet, though I will soon.
Every single main villain from Guardians of The Galaxy films is on here.
I'm happy FS is finally getting an actual ending, though it's a little disappointing it won't be in animated form, I mean Invictus' true form would be bad ass to see in action, though when the The Final Chapter releases it, I would like to see if anyone decides to animate it.
TBBH Spongebob, he's evil as F**k, but at least he doesn't kill people for fun and you could possibly have decent conversations with him (also he could potentially be tiny in his normal form).
Obviously Invictus, it's even more insulting because he will never EVER! be punished for his crimes because WBD for some reason want to make FS illegal to watch (weirdly this only happened AFTER Olan Rogers asked if he could have his show back, which can be found on his twitter. Which just feels like they want to hurt him for no reason), and I'm still pissed because of it and desperately want them to fire their pathetic excuse of a CEO so I can actually like them again.
Also the game he comes from is very controversial (you really don't want to know about what's creator did)
The Ink Demon killed Ink Joey.
Spongebob (TBBH)
Either Butch Cavendish or the Ink Demon
Spongebob and Squidward (the Bikini Bottom Horror)
Overrated: Joker (Nolanverse)
No disrespect to the late Heath Ledger, but I feel this joker gets a little too much praise, while understand why people like him, I feel I kinda like a few other versions of Joker than just Ledger's.
Underrated: Butch Cavendish
He's one of the reasons I actually like the Lone Ranger film, He's actually the most entertaining character in the film for me and he made for one of Disney's darkest and most bad ass villains.
It's a troll page
Romeo and Robot. I always feel sad when he says "you're a mistake like me".
The Ink Demon, I just feel too bad for him even though he's going to be PE. Which I find somewhat ironic that the Ink demon's going to be PE but not Wilson, as Wilson initially seemed like the series' ideal PE villain but in actuality, the Ink demon actually meets the PE requirements compared to Wilson.
Ironically, despite the Ink Demon likely going to be PE and being beyond any sort of sympathy, I still can't help but feel sorry for him and I feel sad that whatever innocence he may have used to have is gone. Though I feel the character who likely inspired him would be proud.
I think remember he used to be NPE but got removed as his removel proposal had claims that he lacked moral agency due to being a demon and how he didn't seem to have enough personality, which I personally don't buy, I mean just because he's the literal devil doesn't mean he's made of evil and nothing in the original Night on Bald Mountain segment seems to imply it (aside from possibly the fact that he was weakened by light). The part about his lack of personality is tricky though due to him being mute, though despite that he does seem to be rather sadistic and ruthless, so maybe just NPE for now.
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