No. It's pure shock value.
@Peter Pecoraro We’re probably not going to even see Bill the Elder again.
I think Aldrich is slighty worse due to his personal villainy.
Maybe if a sequel comes out he will get more heinous but right now, he's bog-standard.
Small correction, the fact that his plan is fridge horror doesn’t matter since his actions outside of that pass the general standards.
Regardless, Cut since he comes from a YTP and therefore cannot qualify.
@Yellowpig10 Who is the pettiest excuse for any villain you’ve seen?
Soundblaster killed billions of lives just because he was beat in a beatboxing championship.
Hard Yes for killing Eric and nobody else.
Lol and now Sa’Luk is being removed from NPE.
Cut for being tragic and adorable.
Harlan would be bog standard in Berserk. He barely passes the general standards himself, as his kills being brutal and cruel is the only reason he qualifies.
Oh, sorry.
Chris McLean isn't Pure Evil...
I'm not 100% sure.
It would be badly outheinoused by both, as Invictus has about the same amount of resources as the Mind Flayer while Lord Commander has less.
Also put Pristine Figg, the most bog standard NPE, into most franchises and she’d not be bad enough.
I was going to say John Milton would be bog standard in Criminal Minds as well...but John Milton is bog standard in Scream anyways.
90% of all the Pure Evils in existence would be bog-standard in Dragon Ball.