The Omega frankly is just a diet Overlord; he doesn't really have any interesting personality or character, and frankly doesn't come off as big of a threat. He sorta just has a personality of "I want to destroy everything cause I'm evil and I hate everyone" and...that's it.
I mean, with Thragg more likely than not going to show up in a future season of Invincible, I wouldn't doubt it. The main Mario games might end up having a future PE, but you know, it's not like they are new to having PEs either. Cyberpunk from what I have heard has several potential candidates, but they have yet to be proposed. Splatoon and The Boys show is something we will have to see about. SMG4... eh, i don't know. The few villains who are bad enough either have massive issues and even ignoring that, the series is really comedic and it has a pretty high standard. I guess we do technically have a PE in the spin-off series, Sunset Paradise, but that isn't the main series. I'd be surprised if they have a potential new candidate, honestly.
Got approved only a couple of hours ago and there are already memes of him on here, lol
Either way... this is perfection.
Actually, a close friend of mine is. I just helped a little.
If they are proposed, yeah.
Oh... oh... oh...
Honestly, at this point. Thank. God. These posts have gotten tedious and repetitive, people won't shut up about who they believe is more or less evil. They are frankly making sites like these sour.
I fail to see what you are missing, but I am going to be honest, even the "fair comparisons" are part of the issue. They encourage other users to make the more ridiculous comparisons, and the more they come, the more repetitive and unfair polls come.
Everytime we compare GOT villains, it is always the same. This includes the VW and other sites similar. These posts are repetitive and ridiculous, and the more people make them, the more of an issue they become.
Oh look, the same poll for the millionth time...
That's the whole joke...
Pfft, even a single air particle is more evil than Obsidian.
Vitiate literally consumed the life on two whole planets, Palpatine has nothing on him.
That is actually a pretty good point.
They have only grown more and more stale and there is nothing really special about them. I feel like they only cause fights, honestly. I'd rather just see them go.
Seriously guys... we are really defending a parody villain who comes from a YTP as being "serious enough" now? The whole "him being serious" thing is meant to be a joke, hard cut.
Okay, I nearly had a panic attack-
I love how people continue to make these posts right after this discussion. Seriously, they are getting annoying.
I am still sick of ridiculous comparisons, honestly. Like, imagine comparing an omnicidal maniac with like, a million different resources and crimes to some random gangster... which I am sure has happened.
I couldn't agree more with this. These polls are honestly ridiculous, repetitive, and even downright unfair. I mean... we are literally having war criminals being compared to high school students with completely different resources and crimes, I have no idea that is even a fair comparison and I am going to be honest... these posts need to die. They are just annoying spam at this point.