The best version of the character, in my opinion.
Malekith (MCU)
Apocalypse (X-Men movies)
Jurgen Voller
King Magnifico
Deadpool (Ultimate Marvel)
It is played as karma for his actions while telling Ryuk to kill the others off even Ryuk would not do that, which makes Light's death pathetic.
@Tastybullets47 Correction: "it use to be peak".
@Batman129 Is there a reason why he's getting a cut? I'm assuming it has something to do with him being abused by his father.
I watched Jessica Jones because Kilgrave is portrayed by David Tennant.
I thought of proposing Ikutsuki but I plan to Nyralethotep from persona 2.
@Axel53 No, your just being rude.
@Batman129 I see.
@Batman129 I thought we are not allowed to use or reference TVtropes to give a reason why a character is PE unless someone has to specific about it?
@Batman129 what does CM and TVT mean?
Odin is NPE.
I mean we have three now with Skeletor from the 2021 Netflix show.
Despite being a less interesting version of the character, I did enjoy him as a villain including his design.
He is one of the worst parts of the movie and a big downgrade of his character from the original. Like the movie itself, he had potential but the actor's performance and his generic evil weakens his character.
I like my elegant vampires and I feel he stands out in terms of appearance when compared Dracula in the novel.
Honestly, I couldn't analyze his character because that entire movie is so boring I prefered his counterpart in the TV show.
Mannimarco: "Foolish bug, always concerning yourself with good and evil when they are in fact the same thing (proceeds to squash the Ethical Bug).
Yes, it was as he only did it to gain information on the Elder Wand, which Grindelwald told him is with Dumbledore and then he leaves.