DHZ3·12/19/2024in GeneralAbout The Dark LordI think it's safe to say that he just flat out killed Mitsi, you won't notice it at first glance, but it's shown on-screen that he was launching at least a majority of the fireballs.The Dark Lord (Animator vs. Animation)
DimitriSB2012·9/20/2024in GeneralFavorite Pure Evil vs Inconsistently Admirable conflict.Randall Boggs (PE) vs. Mike Wazowski (IA)Carnage (PE) vs. Venom (IA)The Dark Lord (PE) vs. The Chosen One (IA)Drago Bludvist (PE) vs. Stoick (Should be IA)Mephiles the Dark (PE) vs. Shadow the Hedgehog (IAArmando Salazar (PE) vs. Jack Sparrow (IA)Vote60 Votes in PollDrago BludvistCarnage (Sony's Spider-Man Universe)Armando SalazarMephiles the Dark (Sonic the Hedgehog)Randall BoggsThe Dark Lord (Animator vs. Animation)