Here are mine.
Horde Prime
Randall Boggs
Judge Claude Frollo
Samuel Norton
Hans Gruber
Here are mine.
Horde Prime
Randall Boggs
Judge Claude Frollo
Samuel Norton
Hans Gruber
41 Votes in Poll
Here are mine.
Horde Prime: Pride
Randall Boggs: Envy
Red Death: Gluttony
Ridley : Wrath
William Lewis: Lust
Chairman Drek: Greed
Chakravartin: Sloth
Keep in mind this character doesn't exist yet I am just sharing an idea for a Pure Evil for my story to see what you would all think.
And I am not adding this character or proposing him to the wiki since I know he isn't official.
This is the characters origin.
Emperor Salvator
Born to a wealthy family in the island continent of Tepi. The young tegu Salvator went to the greatest school and advanced from Tepi University. Often when he was a child he witnessed how magic wielders were able to shift certain objects and turn them into things of their image. He would also go to elemental shows where elementals can shape their certain elements into different shapes and sizes making what he considered art. Other times he would be fascinated by the architecture of buildings and statues. Sometimes in teen years he would overhear the certain magical teacher scientists on how it might be possible to reshape planets with powerful magic, and spells. When he was 15 he gave himself a life goal to create new species of creatures, make a portal to a new planet, reshape the planet’s continents in his image and allow his new species’ to thrive, evolve, and build their own societies, as the current planet Etellia already has so many sapients, kingdoms and societies that wouldn’t be able to have room for his new species. At age 22, he graduated from the university and with the amount of money he earned throughout the years along with part of the money his sister gave to him, formed his own private organization called Tyran Industries.
With the help of some scientists he meet in his university years they began creating the creatures using cells from other non sentient life forms and modified them with magical particles. The first tests were failures as they ended with such severe deformities for the creatures that they needed to be put down. Salvator told the scientists to keep on working saying their work has only begun. While taking breaks he would read about ancient tales on how the ancient lizard people would create massive portals that would lead to other planets with the combination spell of a giant energy crystal, 200 pounds of grace sand found in the most northern desert regions, about 80 soul pearls that were and are still used by mer-sapients in the ocean, and 40 glowing flowers found on Tepi.
In order to reshape his new planet's continents he needed a magical table to connect it to the planet so Salvator could rebuild it by simply moving his finger on the table map. He presented the scientists with his planet, to which Salvator dismissed. Many were very fascinated by it. However one was hesitant as he felt the possibility this could end up endangering possible inhabitants of the plane. When his scientists were working on the creatures he first set out to find the glowing flowers at night time. While traveling down he went to a seemingly abandoned garden there he found over 80 glowing flowers near the building. Salvator needed to keep the flowers alive so he carefully removed them and put them in the pots he brought, and loaded them into boxes which he would put in his truck. Once he was done with the first ten the plant elemental jaguar gardener caught Salvator in the act and threatened to call the authorities on him unless he put the flowers back. Salvator was about to do what the big cat told him.
However he remembered his mission on completing his goal. So he pretended to put the glowing flowers back to lower the gardeners guard but then he reached for his gun he originally brought to deal with the wildlife and shot the gardener in the head, killing him instantly. Salvator was at first shocked with what he did as he never kill someone before but than he felt it was worth it to make sure he succeeds in his goal as now he feels that if wants to succeed he needs to be willing to work with anyone whether they’d be lawful or chaotic and do anything to succeed in his goals.
31 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
49 Votes in Poll
Mine are Judge Claude Frollo, Horde Prime, Samuel Norton, Sundowner, Koba, SCP-106, Syndrome, Ridley, Bill Cipher, and Dr James Sheridan.
42 Votes in Poll