Imagine an interaction between the two and how the ethical big would react to Odalia knowingly help genocidal maniacs, tormenting Alador, being a neglectful mother, and Willing to kill children
52 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
4 Votes in Poll
81 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
Imagine an interaction between the two and how the ethical big would react to Odalia knowingly help genocidal maniacs, tormenting Alador, being a neglectful mother, and Willing to kill children
only two I can think of off the top of my head are Odalia with Amity and Lucifer (supernatural) with jack
41 Votes in Poll
Wahts da work
Teh oluwr hurs is a 2003 mimiseries about te riise of fasistim in de bioling isles
Whox da character
Emppy B is the fastist in question
What haz he don
Whys dos he not cownt
Ok so ultimaty der iz a loot rong with dis proposal for won he haz severe morall agents issusie as he was clearly corruoped by dahrk majik witch made him eaveal
2 he waz cleary trajik haz he was forced to kmil his own brother to svae him frme his which loving desies
Und finally he massicely fails de hienous standers tow the edrich goud hooty whos wiz fhar les reasorces deztroyed da hole universe
Zo ya overal belows did nothing wrong and is an anti-hero
I really think we should reconsider her PE status as while yes she willingly helped Belos despite knowing he was planning a genocide however aside from supplying abomatons she really didn't have that big of a part to play and as for the abuse thing both the archivist and Belos did worse and yes i know they had more resources but abuse is a crime that requires no resources so i really don't think that applies don't get me wrong she's easily the most hateable character in the show however i don;t think she's heinous enough to be PE mayby NPE tho
(also I'm not white listed so i can't do a removal proposal)