Caesar0728·11/11/2023in GeneralWhat would their conversation be if these two met?Emperor Belos (The Owl House)Joseph Crackstone
Caesar0728·11/11/2023in GeneralWhich two villains would Joesph Crackstone would more likely get along with in your opinion?Judge Claude Frollo and Raynald of Châtillon (EuroEmperor Belos a.k.a Philip Wittebane and Harrison Vote22 Votes in PollJudge Claude FrolloEmperor Belos (The Owl House)Joseph Crackstone
Scarlet Khan·7/13/2023in GeneralWhich witch-hunter is more hypocritical?Emperor BelosJoseph CrackstoneVote48 Votes in PollEmperor Belos (The Owl House)Joseph Crackstone