Why is Palpetine Neutral Evil?
52 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
78 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
12: Count Dracula (1931)
11: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Denis Villeneuve)
10: Sauron (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
9: Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
8: Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
7: John Doe (Se7en)
6: Lou Bloom (Nightcrawler)
5: Pazuzu (The Exorcist)
4: Judge Claude Frollo (Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
3: Harry Powell (The Night of the Hunter) NOT APPROVED
2: Joker (The Dark Knight)
Honorable Mentions:
Scar (The Lion King)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Max Cady (1962’s Cape Fear)
Commodus (Gladiator)
It (2017-2019)
Immortan Joe (Mad Max franchise)
1: Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars franchise)
Order it.
Hope you guys can answer my question
45 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
I have a test made by a real psychiatrist you rate each trait from 0-2 and if you get a total of 30 and above you can be considered a psychopath. It is important to note that if you have about 25 points you still have ASPD, you just aren’t a psychopath. Let the test begin.
Glibness/Superficial Charm (0-2): 2
Palpatine demonstrates a high level of superficial charm, able to manipulate and deceive the Senate and other characters with his words and demeanor.
Grandiose sense of worth (0-2): 2
Palpatine exhibits a grandiose sense of self-worth, seeing himself as destined to rule the galaxy and considering himself superior to everyone else.
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom (0-2): 1 While not explicitly shown, his constant plotting and need for control suggest a need for stimulation. As a child he was known to like speeder racing because he liked the thrill, but he’s to patient to be a perfect 2.
Pathological Lying (0-2): 2
Palpatine lies frequently and convincingly to manipulate others and further his plans.
Cunning/Manipulative (0-2): 2
He is extremely cunning and manipulative, orchestrating complex schemes to gain power.
Lack of remorse/guilt (0-2): 2
Palpatine shows no remorse or guilt for his actions, including mass murder and betrayal.
Shallow Affect (0-2): 2
He displays shallow emotions, often feigning concern or compassion to manipulate others.
Callous/lack of empathy (0-2): 2
Palpatine is callous and lacks empathy, showing no concern for the suffering he causes.
Parasitic lifestyle (0-2): 1
While he doesn't live off others in a traditional sense, he exploits people and resources for his gain.
Poor behavior controls (0-2): 1
Palpatine generally exhibits self-control but can be ruthless and impulsive when his plans are threatened.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior (0-2): 0
There is no evidence of promiscuous sexual behavior in his character.
Early Behavior Problems (0-2): 2
Palpatine had early behavior problems, including violent and remorseless actions as a youth.
Lack of realistic long-term plans (0-2): 0
Palpatine has very detailed and realistic long-term plans, aiming for complete control over the galaxy.
Impulsivity (0-2): 1
While he plans meticulously, Palpatine can be impulsive when dealing with immediate threats. Like when he tortured Luke and killed his entire family in a fit of rage, both of these brutal acts were committed because of his anger.
Irresponsibility (0-2): 0
He is highly responsible and methodical in executing his plans, albeit for evil purposes.
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions (0-2): 2
He never accepts responsibility for his actions, always deflecting blame or justifying his deeds.
Many short-term marital relationships (0-2): 0
There is no evidence of marital relationships or multiple partners in his story.
Juvenile Delinquency (0-2): 2
Palpatine exhibited delinquent behavior as a youth, including violence and disregard for others.
Revocation of conditional release (0-2): 0
This doesn't apply to Palpatine as there is no context for conditional release in his character arc.
Criminal Versatility (0-2): 2
Palpatine demonstrates a wide range of criminal activities, from political manipulation to mass murder and war crimes.
Total Score: 26
Based on this evaluation, Palpatine scores 26 out of a possible 40, indicating strong psychopathic tendencies but not quite reaching the threshold of 30 for a full diagnosis of psychopathy. I think the reason is because he is also methodical and controlled, which may account for the slightly lower score.
I think a better diagnosis for palpatine. Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Psychopathic Tendencies.
77 Votes in Poll
10. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Dune - Dune: Part Two)
9. Sauron (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
8. Scar (The Lion King)
7. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
6. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
5. Judge Claude Frollo (Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
4. Louis Bloom (Nightcrawler)
3. Pazuzu (The Exorcist)
2. Harry Powell (The Night of the Hunter)
NOTE: Not Approved
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
56 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll