Her arc is still ongoing, but the first season alone has made her out to be an even more twisted monster than Dracula or Carmilla. She was a sadist who got kicks out of torturing children to death when she was a human, and once she became a vampire she had Drolta slaughter entire villages of common folk who had slighted her in some form or another while keeping young women kidnapped from these massacres in her dungeon to torture at her leisure and turning ones that she found useful into her vampiric slaves (such as Tera's sister and eventually Tera herself at the end of season 1). Drinking the blood Sekhmet, she would use her powers to plunge the world into eternal night and destroy the French Revolution and others like it before enslaving the human race.
She hasn't shown anything in the way of redeeming qualities and is overall shown to be a narcissist driven by a raging god complex, and at no point shows real care for her followers or is shown to have the tragic backstory of Dracula or Carmilla.