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I did a villain review for Lotso last week, and so now I present the vile red coyote known only as Dag. While Barnyard may be a bad movie (it’s a guilty pleasure of mine TBH), this guy still doesn’t get enough recognition in my opinion. Azula may be my favorite Nickelodeon villain, but Dag is a close second.
He’s practically a serial killer. I’m not exaggerating. His keychain of chicken feet and the way he wants to eat the hens is reminiscent of how many psychos keep trophies from their victims and only kill women, and he even calls himself a “Ladykiller” like Ted Bundy. He literally tries to eat a child just for calling him a name, and it’s implied that not even humans are safe from his wrath as he threatens to slaughter everyone on the farm if Otis tries to stop him from taking a few animals nightly, maybe including the farmer.
His skeletal design and raspy voice. As if he wasn’t unsettling enough! I’m surprised he hasn’t died of starvation already, what with how damn skinny he is. And David Koechner usually does comedic roles, so one may be surprised at how well he can play a total savage like Dag. Just listen to the way he snarls “KILL HIM” after Otis stops him from eating Maddy for proof.
He has a sensible motivation: hunting food or survival. Meaners gotta eat too, ya know. I’m not gonna lie, I love eating chicken as much as the next guy (especially chicken parmesan). Dag’s just way too sadistic to root for, in contrast to Freddy who’s a carnivore but still fights the urge to kill his own friends…
Ben’s death. I honestly consider this death scene on par with some of Pixar’s stuff like Ellie Fredricksen, Coral, and the incinerator in Toy Story 3. Ben is literally the coolest cow ever; he’s voiced by Sam Elliott, he has an awesome song, and overall he’s a stern but benevolent leader and father. His self-sacrifice to save the hens was both cool and sad, and that scene is all thanks to Dag. “A strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others.”
57 Votes in Poll