So this is the 4th psychopathic analysis on a character now it’s time for Micah Bell, you score each trait 0-2 0 being the person doesn’t exhibit this trait, 1 being partially exhibits it, and 2 being the person has this trait fully. If a character scores 30 or anything higher than that, then the character is a psychopath. This test was made by a real psychiatrist by the way.
Glibness/Superficial Charm (0-2): 1 Micah can exhibit some superficial charm, particularly towards Dutch, but generally, he behaves like a jerk to others. He barely gives a effort on acting friendly to others.
Grandiose Sense of Worth (0-2): 1 Micah does show some sense of superiority but also expresses that everyone is the same, indicating a more complex view of self-worth. He says stuff “you act so high and mighty but you’re no better than the rest of us” he also says “you’re just a gun same as the rest of us” but he is jealous of Arthur being “better” than him showing some insecurity about self worth.
Need for Stimulation/Proneness to Boredom (0-2): 1 He seeks thrills and engages in reckless behavior but doesn't show frequent signs of boredom. Quite the opposite in fact he always seems to have fun either robbing, or killing, or just bullying the gang.
Pathological Lying (0-2): 2 Micah frequently lies and deceives others to manipulate them and further his goals.
Cunning/Manipulative (0-2): 2 He is highly manipulative, particularly in his interactions with Dutch and in orchestrating schemes.
Lack of Remorse/Guilt (0-2): 2 Micah shows no remorse for his numerous heinous actions, including murder and betrayal.
Shallow Affect (0-2): 2 His emotions are shallow and insincere, often feigning concern or regret when it benefits him.
Callous/Lack of Empathy (0-2): 1 Micah displays a lack of empathy, causing suffering without any concern. But not a complete lack of empathy, he felt bad and apologized to Arthur over what happened with the Odriscoll’s there was no reason for him to do this as he could’ve just been a asshole again and nothing would change. He also had trouble telling him this showing us how rare it is for him to feel bad and apologize.
Parasitic Lifestyle (0-2): 2 He exploits others for his gain, living off the resources and efforts of the gang.
Poor Behavioral Controls (0-2): 2 Micah frequently loses control, acting violently and impulsively.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior (0-2): 0 There is no substantial evidence of promiscuous sexual behavior.
Early Behavior Problems (0-2): 2 He exhibited violent and remorseless behavior from a young age, including murder.
Lack of Realistic Long-Term Plans (0-2): 1 While he has plans, they are often short-sighted and driven by immediate gratification rather than sustainable goals. Like his rampage at strawberry he could’ve escaped faster but still went to kill more.
Impulsivity (0-2): 2 Micah often acts on impulse, driven by immediate desires and emotions.
Irresponsibility (0-2): 2 He consistently shirks responsibility, blaming others and avoiding accountability for his actions.
Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions (0-2): 2 Micah never accepts responsibility for his actions, always justifying or denying his wrongdoing. Like blaming his betrayal on his worldview that there’s only winning and losing living and dying, so he just chose what he chose was right not die a “survivor” this is how he justifies this act to Arthur
Many Short-Term Marital Relationships (0-2): 0 There is no indication of marital relationships in his story.
Juvenile Delinquency (0-2): 2 Micah's criminal behavior started in his youth, demonstrating a pattern of delinquency.
Revocation of Conditional Release (0-2): 0 This criterion does not apply to Micah's context.
Criminal Versatility (0-2): 2 He engages in a wide range of criminal activities, from theft and murder to betrayal and manipulation.
Total Score: 28
Micah is VERY, VERY close to be labeled a psychopath and he barely missed the mark. So guess I was right Micah is more of a sociopath.