So I have a test here which is used to evaluate psychopaths created by a real psychiatrist so let’s see, if this character is actually psychopathic. If a person or character scores over 30 then they are indeed a complete psychopath. It should be noted that if you have 25 points you still have ASPD but are not a psychopath.
Glibness/Superficial Charm: 2
The Baron can be superficially charming when needed, especially to manipulate others.
Grandiose Sense of Worth: 2
His self-admiration and belief in his own superiority are evident. The guy calls himself magnificent
Need for Stimulation/Proneness to Boredom: 2
His sadistic and hedonistic pursuits indicate a need for constant stimulation. The guy rapes and eats 24/7
Pathological Lying: 2
The Baron frequently lies and deceives to achieve his goals. Like possibly manipulating the Emperor to betray Arrakkis
Cunning/Manipulative: 2
He is highly manipulative, using others as pawns in his schemes.
Lack of Remorse/Guilt: 2
He shows no remorse for his actions, reveling in his cruelty.
Shallow Affect: 2
His emotions are superficial, driven by self-interest and sadism.
Callous/Lack of Empathy: 2
His actions demonstrate a complete lack of empathy and callousness.
Parasitic Lifestyle: 2
The Baron takes from others to build his wealth and power, especially seen in his exploitation of Arrakis. He doesn’t build he just takes.
Poor Behavior Controls: 2
His lack of self-control in terms of gluttony and sadism is clear.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior: 2
He frequently moves from one young sex slave to another, demonstrating a lack of commitment and a promiscuous lifestyle.
Early Behavior Problem: 1
Implied through his extreme behavior and sadism. Like there’s no way he wasn’t violent beforehand as The Baron was the only person his family was considering on inheriting everything, so he had to have been violent to gain such a reputation.
Lack of Realistic Long-Term Plans: 0
The Baron has detailed and strategic long-term plans for power.
Impulsivity: 1
Some impulsive actions, but mostly calculated.
Irresponsibility: 1
Irresponsible in his sadistic pursuits but strategic in power plays.
Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions: 2
He never accepts responsibility for his actions, always deflecting blame.
Many Short-Term Marital Relationships: 0
No information on marital relationships.
Juvenile Delinquency: 1
Likely, given his extreme adult behavior. Like I explained before
Revocation of Conditional Release: 0
Not applicable.
Criminal Versatility: 2
Involved in a wide range of criminal activities, from political manipulation to murder and rape.
Revised Total Score: 30/40
So yes The Baron is a psychopath so we can keep the title of “Psychopathic Tyrant”