Belos has the Collector
Palpatine has Vader and Dooku
Mrs. Tweedy has Dr. Fry
Cutler Beckett has Davy Jones
Morgaroth has Dark Mayhem.
Emperor Belos has the Collector and a Nameless Gold Guard
Emperor Belos has The Collector
Joker (Arkhamverse) has Harley Quinn
Emperor Palpatine has Count Dooku and Darth Vader
Ozai and Azula
Scarecrow (Arkhamverse) has Arkham Knight
2018 Micheal Myers has Corey Cunningham
Muzan has several of these.
Freddy Krueger has Jason Voorhees not sure if that counts
@TheShape2344 I don’t really think so due to not really together while Freddy did bring him back they weren’t together or work together to kill people but If I works for you it works for you not sayin* you’re wrong just saying my opinion
William Afton has Vanny
Don Eladio has Gustavo Fring
What do you think?