71 Votes in Poll
You can’t reason with chaotic evil characters
Chaotic Evils are unpredictable. At least, Lawfuls Evils have rules and principles, no matter how twisted they are.
I agree but they're annoying in their own ways, anyway. Chaotic Evils just won't listen or won't care. Lawful Evils will just pass it off as something like "IT'S THE LAW! MY LAW!"
People are allowed to choose.
@Caesar0728 Unlike your behaviour, people choosing what they vote is allowed y us and they should not mock them for their opinion... especially for something as trivial as this. Let this block be a reflection.
Not to mention there is no 'objective worst' when it comes to alignments, lawful evil can come in the form of 'for the evulz with discipline' i.e they operate within a dictatorship's legal system solely to torture and/or kill while not giving a crap about the cause, or they could desire to impose a dictatorship's will on other countries solely to expand the suffering inflicted, likewise Chaotic Evil can come in the form of simply desiring personal freedom above all else and having no chill when it comes to maintaining their own personal freedom, so to say that 'one is more annoying to deal with because x' is very dismissive of nuances that validate other answers.
I will say chaotic evil. I feel like a lot of lawful evil villains will at the very least leave you alone as long as you don't cross them.
Or violate their rules/laws
This is just my opinion and I think many people will disagree with me, but I think that lawful evil is more persistent and difficult some cases. Let's face it, there is an oppressive regime, there are rules everywhere, it's easy to think that "oh, the rules can be broken" or "a system is not as dangerous as chaos" but implementing or acting is all the more difficult. For example, if a character breaks the law and the rules, they can take everything they have, put them in prison, torture them, execute them, or even make their entire family disappear without any consequences and without anyone knowing anything about it. In a chaotic situation, it is easier to build something, because you are not bound by the beginning and there survival or staying alive is the point, in the lawful evil world you can have fear, stress and dread because of the consequences if you break the rules.
I saw that "at least they have rules." Yes, but it doesn't matter what these rules are and what the consequences are if the character breaks them.
A morbid example: You can't read a book or your eyes will be gouged out and your hands will be cut off for breaking this law. It's going to be pretty hard to do anything without them, isn't it? Help will not come as they are afraid of the system and there is no war to threaten the oppressors. And of course, let's not forget one of the most effective brainwashing/possessing weapons of lawful evil characters, the propaganda.
Or there is the Orwell 1984, where they have no chance to create a rebellion, because the system is so brutally strict, oppressive and full of restrictions that it could only be weakened from the outside. There are no rules in chaos, there you fight, grow stronger, develop, build, travel as you want.
I would like to add that this is not the case in all cases, but there are stories where the lawful evil is, in my opinion, a much more serious and annoying opponent than the chaotic one.
What do you think?