Only by the creators and audience. That’s what makes them not Hate Sinks.
Yes they can. Jonah Liebert is a good example.
@Ditb01 that’s literally everyone
You should choose your words more carefully
How about Griffith/Femto from Berserk
Yes, a villain's horrendous actions don't automatically make them one dimensional. Sauron, Morgoth, Johan Liebert, Hans Gruber, DIO, The Major, Shogo Makishima, Anton Chigurh, Vicious and Albert Wesker are great examples of this.
Yeah obviously, if written carefully. In terms of characters I'd add to this discussion as examples I'd also include Akio Ohtori and Emperor Belos.
Even three-dimensional villains can be pure evil and totally unsympathetic. Usually, they would fall under fake tragic but all of them.