30 Votes in Poll
Very big standard both of them, I've seen the movie as well. Worse evil Volpr done is trying to kill Pinocchio out of petty revenge and abusing his monkey minion. He never goes above the extra mile. It doesn't help he gotta be in the same movie with Benito Mussolini who very much okay killing kids for just making fun of him.
Podesta I was thinking could've been PE, but I expected a hella lot more for a guy running a Child soldier camp. He tried to have Pinocchio shot and abused his own son, and yeah he's training kids to fight wars but he doesn't... Do anything horrific to them, hell he only gives them paint guns as training nor does he uses torturous methods. And again, in the same movie we see allies soldiers bombing the base presumably killing a lot of people including the kids (if the implications is to go by).
Yeah, I felt like maybe Volpe wasn't generic for, well, trying to burn Pinocchio alive and his abuse on Spazzatura not being played for laughs, but I do see your point. But as for the Podestà, what do you think?
I expanded my comment
Yeah, I get your reasonings, though as for the Podestà, I felt like his actions of forcing the kids to fight in combat is horrible enough as, even though he gives them paint guns, it's apparent that he is gonna force them use real ones for battle and he needs to avoid them shooting themselves dead. Him giving his gun to Candlewick shows he isn't above shooting a real kid or giving the kids under his care guns. But yeah, I now feel that they are too standard.
Willing to kill kids is not really enough when you're in the same movie where the other bad guys shown to be just as willing to do the same.
Agree. Plus, Pinocchio was likely gonna be fine anyway due to being immortal at that point.
What do you think?