I would say the Breaking Bad universe and The Boys TV show considering what happens in those shows
Do you think Shadowy Figure is pure evil?
This user is likely a troll. He went onto Stranger Things wiki asking villains wiki questions (is Jason affably or faux affably evil, etc).
I promise I won't make a Stranger Things that's full with villains wiki questions again😢
I dont want Hoffman to become Pure Evil by subverting his love for his sister. This would be flanderization and incosistent characterization.
The SpongeBob SquarePants film series doesn't have a pure evil.
Good Kids doesn't have a pure evil.
Just because Lord Shen was letting Soothsayer go with no harm doesn't mean he cares about her, he has a similar Grimmel situation. Grimmel just let Ruffnut go with no harm and everyone knows that he doesn't care about her.
What do you think?