95 Votes in Poll
Also I wish Arrowverse Zoom was on this list, because I'd vote him ASAP. He watched his father kill his mother as a child, but at the same time he's such a sadistic narcissist as well as a bastardized version of his tragic anti-villainous comic counterpart that it's hard to really care. Plus he subverts even loving his late mother by proudly calling family a weakness.
Bro. You should've seen Tetta Kisaki's excuse, his was way more pathetic than the rest of the PE Villains.
He killed two very important people Mikey cherished (Baji and Emma), took over Toman, and corrupted it into a criminal organization... All over a girl, he had a crush on but she chose the very boy who saved her instead of him.
I mean, seriously!? All of his horrible actions for a girl!? Bro, since when do we have a PE who simps!? He didn't even consider her feelings of what she would think of this if he did love her, but once she rejected him, what happens next? Death by a truck crashing into her.
Bruh, this guy is obsessed with her in any way possible and he is sooo not remorseful about it.
It doesn't excuse Lostso what you have done.
I vote Lostso as freudian excuse if you watch toy story 3 you will feel bad for him his story is pretty sad but he abuse and imprisoned toys for an evil pleasure and forces toys to play with kids who played roughly with them than when he was saved by woody and his friends later than he repay them by abandons them his evil actions surpassed his tragic story.
Morgoth conceiving evil out of his very essence and committing some of the most depraved acts imaginable out of spite for not being the creator himself is also worthy of note.
@Obluda511 Morgoth makes Palpatine and Lord Voldemort look like they commited petty crimes.
I wonder where are Henry Evans and Zhan Tiri? Do they have a good excuse? The first one killed his brother simply because he accidentally played with his toy. Not to mention the fact that, most likely, Henry was already a disgusting sociopath even before the “tragedy.” Then he only got worse. And the latter betrayed Demantius, intended to gain even more power and later sought to destroy the whole kingdom, simply because Demantius justly imprisoned her.
No matter how petty and terrible the Syndrome is, you can at least have a little sympathy (3 seconds), since it can be seen that he was very painful when his idol rejected him, even if he brought it on himself. Neither Henry nor Zhan Tiri have even an ounce of compassion.
Well hot damn I wish Breck from the original Planet of the Apes films was proposed and approved for PE because he would've been my pick because of his very troll logic excuse for hating apes.
Though I think Lotso, Mysterio, and Syndrome take the cake for having the prettiest excuse.
Aight I'm coming back here because I watched a video pointing out something on Mysterio that makes him even pettier.
I recently learn that no one besides Tony actually mocked his invention or laughed at it in Captain America Civil War, the laughter only came up in his memory flashback when talking about his hatred of Tony Stark.
So he made it sound way more humiliating than it really is.
Comic black nori/Homelander's clone having a worst freudian excuse. He claimed that Vought ignored or neglected him and so... he committed an excuse to ruined comic Homelander's life.
What do you think?